At the Monday, May 21 Rushford-Peterson School Board meeting, two items were pulled from the consent agenda for further consideration. One of these was the recommended hiring of a head girls basketball coach. Last month, a similar discussion occurred over the potential hiring of a head boys basketball coach. At that time, Board Director Julie Koop asked whether or not there was a written policy in place regarding the hiring of coaches. Superintendent Chuck Ehler indicated a procedure was in place, but it was not documented in a written policy.
The initial interview of the candidates for the girls coach was conducted by Ehler and Athletic Director Dan Bieberdorf. Following interviews, administration’s initial recommendation was to hire R-P teacher Jake Dahl and a verbal offer was made from Ehler to Dahl.
Following that initial recommendation, administration opted to create an additional step to the hiring process by creating a seven-person interview committee, made up of five staff members, four of whom are coaches, Ehler, and Bieberdorf. “After we reflected on the interview process, we felt it was imperative to give both candidates equal opportunity and therefore we decided put that additional step in there,” explained Ehler. Coaching candidates were interviewed a second time and the top two candidates for the position were Dahl and area resident Matt Helgemoe.
The interview committee’s recommendation was to hire Helgemoe, which prompted Ehler to rescind his earlier recommendation and verbal statements to Dahl. Ehler was clear to address that his statements to Dahl did not in any way obligate the board to approve the hire, as all hires must be formally approved by the board, acting on recommendations put forth by district administration. Therefore, his formal recommendation to the school board was to follow the committee’s recommendation and hire of Helgemoe for the head position.
According to Ehler, the rationale for the decision was weighted heavily on Helgemoe’s past experience with the girls basketball program. Dahl has served nine years as a boys basketball coach, while Helgemoe has 12 years of experience coaching girls basketball, with five years as a head coach.
“Both candidates were given equal opportunity to share strengths and weaknesses that they would bring to the program,” said Ehler. “When the committee looked at that and took it into consideration, their recommendation was to go ahead with the offer to Mr. Helgemoe.”
Board Director Dean Mierau suggested that if there is a candidate currently teaching within the district, who is qualified for a coaching position, that the district stay with that precedence. He cautioned the board that the process may put the district on a slippery slope.
“Hindsight is worth 1000%,” responded Ehler. “The committee felt he [Helgemoe] has earned the respect, opportunity, and right to step back into that role as head coach.”
Board Director Joyce Iverson discussed a letter from the interview committee in which it detailed what has been the hiring process. “We’ve been deviating from that somewhat,” said Iverson. The letter, as read by Iverson, noted Concern #2, the external posting of extracurricular positions when there is a qualified, interested internal candidate. “Would Matt have been able to apply for this position had it been posted internal first?” asked Iverson.
Board Director Bonnie Prinsen brought forth further concern regarding a letter from the executive board of the union, asking for clarification on whether the letter was representative of the entire union or members of the board. The letter was signed by the executive board, following a majority vote and no concerns from union members. The offering of extra-curricular positions to teachers first is not contractual as part of the master agreement.
“Any time we bring a recommendation it’s our hope that you would have enough faith and trust in us to say what we’re bringing to you is in the best interest for all parties involved,” added Ehler. “Unfortunately, in this situation, trying to backup and redo the process was not well thought out on our part. What we have right now is, I don’t know if you want to call it controversy, but this misunderstanding of what we were really after and why we attempted to take a step back and involve others.”
“It needs to be made very transparent,” stressed Prinsen. “We spend a lot of time on coaching issues and hiring. So much of this can be avoided with a transparent process.”
Ehler indicated the setting further procedures, protocols, and guidelines is in motion, as the district is gathering similar information from other districts. “It didn’t fall of deaf ears. The problem is we didn’t move fast enough. Julie nudged and I didn’t respond quick enough.”
Board Director Jon Pettit suggested it made sense to fill coaching positions from within, as they are trained, by degree, to work with children, particularly athletes, often carrying a coaching certificate that further qualifies the individual. “I think we need a better job out of the administration to avoid these types of things. They’re coming up way too often.”
“I’m torn. I see both sides,” added Prinsen. “If we’re concerned with ‘Always Our Best, and doing what’s best for our kids, I don’t know that we should just make it a rule that an internal candidate can claim a position before it’s advertised externally, if we’re really looking for the best person for a position. Do we want to start putting limits on it before we even open it up?”
In the roll call vote, following the earlier motion to hire Jake Dahl for the position, Valerie Howe, John Linder, Bonnie Prinsen voted no, while Joyce Iverson, Dean Mierau, and Jon Pettit voted yes. Julie Koop abstained. The board then approved the consent agenda, complete with the hire of Helgemoe as head girls basketball coach.
The board also approved the hiring of Chris Drinkall as head boys basketball coach as part of the consent agenda, resolving long-standing issues with that position.
Director Julie Koop has tendered her resignation from the school board, effective June 19, 2018. Initially, Koop had set a date of December 31 in her resignation letter. However, based on Minnesota School Board Association recommendations, in order to get the open seat on the November ballot, the resignation must be effective by the June date.
A new board member will be selected by the school board to fill the gap between Koop’s resignation and the start of the elected board member. The open board position will be for a two-year term.
In other news, the board has authorized administration to secure quotes for installation if a sidewalk from Highway 43 to the new school, along Pine Meadows Drive. The district, in cooperation with the City of Rushford, has applied three times for a Safe Routes to School grant for the project and has been denied each time. “We need to bite the bullet and get our students off the street,” said Ehler.
In order to fund the project, Ehler suggested the district hold off on work on the practice football field for one year.
The district has also received a quote from Telin Transportation Group, of Farmington for the installation of cameras into all Bernard Bus Service buses used by the district. The cost to install cameras would be the responsibility of the district. Should the district have a transportation contract with a different company in the future, the cameras would remain the property of the district. The estimated cost is $9,798. While it was noted as reasonable by some on the board, the seeking of a second quote was approved.
The next regularly scheduled board meeting is Monday, June 18, at 5:30 p.m., in the Forum Room. The public is encouraged to attend.
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