At the May 13 meeting of the Chatfield City Council, a draft ordinance to regulate the use of special vehicles on public streets and areas within the city was reviewed. Councilor Paul Novotny was absent.
The ordinance requires the operator of a special vehicle to get a permit. The proposed ordinance provides for the issuance and use of a disabled permit in certain instances. The ordinance will also provide for enforcement.
The draft ordinance is on the city’s website. Approval was granted to hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance on Tuesday, May 28 during the city council meeting.
Other Business in Brief
• Chris Giesen, EDA director, explained the EDA has recommended selling surplus property (Outlot C in the Lonestone Subdivision) in order to create a new home in the community. The city will have to install public utility service infrastructure at a cost of $6,200; work is to be done by Griffin Construction. The EDA recommends the lot be sold for $30,000. In order to ensure a modest home to meet more homeowners’ budgets, the maximum sale price of the home is to be $350,000. The home is to be built within 12 months with a minimum size of 1,000 square feet.
The homeowner will be expected to maintain the sidewalk along St. Albans, as is city policy. Staff recommended eight trees to be planted (in the road right of way from the corner to the waterway) and to be maintained by the city; they will provide a buffer between the residential and industrial areas.
Approval was granted for the sale of Outlot C in Lonestone Subdivision with the recommended stipulations as stated above.
• Ordinance 473, relating to solid waste which requires certain properties to utilize the services of city approved contractors for solid waste services, was approved. The ordinance is effective 30 days after its publication.
• Mayor John McBroom read the EMS proclamation. May 19-25 is Emergency Medical Services week. It is the 50th anniversary of EMS week; the theme is Honoring Our Past, Forging Our Future.
• City Administrator Michele Peterson announced the resignation of Robert Vogel, effective immediately.
• Councilor Mike Urban said the ambulance crew is a vital asset. If you have considered joining, reach out to Rocky Burnett. People are retiring and it is difficult to keep people.
• A special city council meeting was held on May 6. The previous MnDOT site in Chatfield has been offered for sale by the Minnesota Department of Transportation. The city has completed phase 1 environmental including soil borings. There have been no significant findings. The purchase of Parcel ID 26.047.000 at the best price possible, contingent on approval from Planning & Zoning that the purchase is consistent with the Future Land Use Plan and the Comprehensive Plan was approved. Councilors Urban and Bluhm voted no.
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