At the November 2 meeting of the county board, approval was given to take the proposed ordinance for regulating recreational ATVs on county roads to public hearing to be held at 9:35 a.m. on November 23.
County Attorney Brett Corson reviewed a few changes made since the proposed ordinance was last discussed. This ordinance will not apply to roads and streets within city limits. Recreational vehicles are not to be operated on county roads during inclement weather that affects the operator’s visibility and prevents seeing vehicles on the roadway within 500 feet.
After the public hearing, if the county board passes the ordinance it will go into effect from that date of passage.
Sheriff John DeGeorge brought forward a quote from Enterprise Fleet Management for the purchase of a 2022 Dodge Charger AWD marked squad car, which was approved. The Charger is to replace a 2016 Durango. DeGeorge said the Charger is more available and lower cost than a pickup. Also, they don’t want all of the vehicles to be of the same kind. Chief Deputy Lance Boyum noted some of the equipment will be transferable.
Approval was also given for the purchase of equipment and setup for the Charger in the amount of $10,579.77 from Emergency Automotive Technologies, Inc. (EATI).
Other business in brief
• Upcoming board meeting dates were reviewed. The first and regular meeting in December will be held on the 14th at 3 p.m. The Truth in Taxation hearing will be later that day at 6:30 p.m. There will be a special board meeting on December 21 at 9 a.m. A meeting may be called for, if needed, on December 28.
At the November 9 regular board meeting, four broadband vendors including Harmony Telephone, AcenTek, LTD Broadband, and MediaCom are planning to attend. These vendors have interest in the possible use of American Recovery Plan Act (ARPA) dollars for fiber to home.
• Attorney Corson asked the board to consider an employment contract with Deborah Jeffers for paralegal services. She will be paid on an hourly basis with no other benefits. The contract for her part-time employment for one year was approved. The contract may be terminated by either party with written notice. The contract may be renewed after one year upon mutual agreement.
• A new driveway access to CSAH 1 for Welch Family Farm, section 15, Spring Valley Township, was approved to gain more site distance. The old driveway access is to be removed.
• A conditional use permit applied for by Jeremiah and Katherine Daggett, section 1, Jordan Township, for a sawmill on their property was approved as recommended by the Planning Commission. Zoning Administrator Cristal Adkins noted that, as the sawmill is portable, no structures will be constructed on the site.
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