The Caledonia City Council, at its regular city council meeting on Monday, March 25, denied a request by Donald J. Jr. and Sharon Burroughs for a zoning permit at 107 West Adams Street, Caledonia, Minn.
The Burroughs requested a 5-foot variance on the west side of their property and a 5-foot setback from the west side property line. According to the staff report, the Burroughs originally requested a 5-foot variance to the south. According to the staff report, Public Works and Zoning Director Casey Klug informed the Burroughs that the council cannot grant the variance request to the south because of the 10-foot wide utility easement explaining that buildings cannot be placed in the easement.
Director Klug shared with the council that the house was built in 2018 in an R1 residential zone. The size of the property is 90’ X 120’ for a total of 10,800 square feet, noting that the minimum size lot is 10,000 square feet. According to the application, the homeowners plan to build a 120-square-foot storage shed which will be “stick built on a cement slab with an asphalt shingled roof” and will be located behind the house on the southwest corner.
The Burroughs attended the public hearing to plead their case explaining that their decision where to build the shed was because of the slope of the property. They believe that they should be able to use the easement since it is their property.
Director Klug reviewed the seven findings of fact with the council before they voted. Klug confirmed that all seven findings of fact must exist for a variance to be granted. Klug noted that he did not fill out the seven findings of fact because he could not justify the homeowners’ request. Klug continued to say that there is plenty of backyard for the shed.
The city sent out the required letters and made phone calls. Six out of seven property owners who were called said that it would not impact them and that they were not worried about it. The sixth property owner attended the council meeting to ask the council to deny the application explaining, “I know Donny and Sharon walk around a lot in town and have seen outbuildings or sheds that are in compliance and some that are probably not in compliance. There is always an excuse for the ones not in compliance. I applaud them for asking for a variance and not just building it.”
Councilmember Bob Klug abstained from voting and Councilmember Ryan Stenzel voted nay with the other three councilmembers voting to deny the Burroughs’ application.
Councilmember Amanda Ninneman thanked the couple for going about it the right way and applying for a zoning permit, “I know it is not what you wanted.” She explained that she voted the way she did because the council did not have any options.
Mayor DeWayne (Tank) Schroeder convened the meeting at 6 p.m. and led his colleagues and visitors in the Pledge of Allegiance. Schroeder verified that all the council members were present: Robert (Bob) Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor Schroeder, David Fitzpatrick, and Ryan Stenzel.
The council approved the minutes from the March 11 regularly scheduled meeting.
The consent agenda, which comprised payments, disbursements, and an off-site gambling application from the Caledonia Fire Department to conduct a raffle at the fairgrounds on August 3, received unanimous approval.
The council held two public hearings, one for Ordinance 2024-01 Lifetime Animal Licenses and one for Ordinance 2024-02 ATV Regulations. The changes to the animal licenses allow owners to purchase a lifetime license which will reduce staff time and save money on postage. The only changes to the ATV ordinance are clarification of the language regarding the safe operation of ATVs on city streets. According to the staff report, the rules for nighttime operations have been separated making it easier for both residents and police officers. Both ordinances were unanimously approved.
Public Works and Zoning Director Casey Klug reported Dickson and himself have been having quite a few meetings with the contractor of the new wastewater treatment plant and spending a lot of time at the construction site and on the phone. The contract extension has not been signed but Klug is hopeful that they will have something for the council at the next council meeting. The original contract ended July 30, 2023.
Dickson announced that the city started changing over the city’s accounting system to the new accounting software. There have been some hiccups, and the staff will receive three days of training. City employees will receive direct deposit slips on the next pay period. Dickson mentioned that the office will be closed on Good Friday, March 29.
There being no questions or comments regarding the overtime reports for pay periods March 4 through March 17, the meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m.
The next Caledonia City Council meeting is set for Monday, April 8 at 6 p.m. at the Caledonia City Hall, 231 E. Main St., Caledonia. All members of the public are welcome to attend.
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