Brett Grabau detailed potential cost issues with the planned street and utility project at the Preston City Council’s February 1 meeting.
Grabau explained that with the redesigned roadways, drainage is not what it should be. Drainage doesn’t necessarily need to be underground. Grabau suggested the use of six foot wide valley gutters, shallow concrete troughs, across seven intersections in the project area. To bring everything underground would cost a substantial amount of money, estimated to cost an additional $200,000. Councilman Charles Sparks said with that much cost savings the valley gutters are a very viable solution. Mayor Kurt Reicks agreed. Grabau said the valley gutters are easily drivable.
Due to a concern about the project budget, Grabau suggested authorizing an alternative bid for the Chatfield Ave. portion of the project to give the council some flexibility. There is insufficient aggregate under Chatfield Ave. He estimated it will cost about $194,000 more because there is not enough structure within the roadway. City Administrator Joe Hoffman said if the total bid comes in too high, part of the project could be postponed.
Another issue is the fact that some of the retaining walls are leaning. Grabau said it is estimated to cost $60,000 to remove the old walls, rebuild them, and replace sidewalk where the walls are failing. Reicks asked if the walls were on city property or on private property. Grabau explained the right of way usually extends about a foot behind the sidewalk, which would put the walls approximately on the property line.
Reicks was concerned about setting a precedent with the walls, making it the city’s responsibility to replace any retaining wall facing the street. Grabau said if the walls are not replaced, the sidewalk would not need to be replaced. Councilman David Collett said the walls should not be replaced. Grabau explained the roadway can be reconstructed without disturbing the walls, but there is a possibility something happens that makes it necessary to address the walls.
A motion to not address the retaining walls failed for lack of a second. A motion to bid the retaining walls as an alternate project passed on a 3-2 vote (Reicks and Collett voted no).
A motion to add Chatfield Ave. as an alternate bid failed for lack of a second. Grabau said it can go into the base bid and we can have a discussion with the low bidder if the project cost is too high.
A resolution was adopted approving plans and specifications and ordering the advertisement for bids. Three of the current council members live in the 2021 project area.
Other business in brief
•Fire Chief Ramon Hernandez thanked the city and townships for the new turnout gear which is critical for safety. There were 16 calls in 2020 plus controlled burns. The department currently has 24 members; three were new members in 2020.
Hernandez asked for the council’s support to purchase 12 SCBA units (air packs and tanks), 24 masks, and 24 cylinders. The current equipment was purchased in 2004 (10 to 15 year life cycle). The estimated cost for the new equipment is about $85,000 to $92,000. The intention is to use the city equipment fund to make the purchase. Hoffman noted this could delay the purchase of a fire truck down the road. Hernandez is expected to bring a couple of quotes back to a later meeting for the council’s consideration.
A motion was approved to ratify the list of 2021 officers: Chief Hernandez, Assistant Chief Leigh Larson, Treasurer Dustin Arndt, Secretary Desiree Schlichter, and Training Officer Steven Schlichter.
•Write-offs in the amount of $73,765.28 for 2020 and $5,291.06 for 2019 were accepted. These write-offs are representative of the funding gap between the ambulance rates and what insurances are willing to reimburse for a call. The accounts receivable write-offs were accepted for 2019 in the amount of $14,001.30. These write-offs do not forgive the debt; collection efforts will continue.
Fire Department write-offs are from two accounts totaling $575. The write-offs were accepted.
•A donation of $100 was approved to the Post Prom Committee. The council has made this donation for each of the last 12 years.
•The possibility of resuming in-person council meetings was discussed. After most members expressed discomfort with in-person meetings at this time, it was decided to continue virtual meetings.
•The county Ambulance Subsidy Agreement was approved.
•The next council meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 16.
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