At the October 18 meeting of the city council the public assessment hearing for the 2021 Street and Utility Improvements was set for November 15. Councilman David Collett was absent.
The city’s consultant engineer Brett Grabau updated the council on the progress of the project. Paving started this day and Grabau expects it to continue later in the week. The contractor Alcon Excavating, Inc. expects the project to be substantially completed by November 10.
The assessment roll for the 2021 project has been prepared; the total amount to be assessed against the parcels that benefited from the improvements is $907,519.56. A notice will be mailed to each property owner of each parcel included in the assessment roll. A resolution was approved setting the assessment hearing date and time: November 15 at 6 pm. The hearing is likely to be held in the fire hall.
Sheila Marzolf reported that about $500,000 is available to be spent on additional paving projects. Grabau had secured bids on several individual possible projects. A quote in the amount of $19,300 to grade and pave the Veterans Home Trail to connect Branding Iron parking lot with the level area up near the water tower was discussed. A quote to repave the Fire Hall/City Hall parking lot was received in the amount of $18,051. A quote was also secured to improve the City/Utility Shop Yard; the city’s 25% share of the cost would be $12,100.
The council approved these three improvements. Councilman Robert Maust voted no. Maust questioned whether other funding could be secured for the Veterans Home Trail. This work will likely be done next spring.
Grabau also had received a quote to improve the entrance and exit drives on Branding Iron hill in the amount of $48,863. He noted the lower portion that would connect to the trail would cost an additional $33,000. Maust wanted Grabau to get a quote to use concrete on the steeper portion of the hill. Grabau said it would cost roughly three times as much. Grabau said he didn’t have any concern about using asphalt on the hill. Jim Bakken noted some curb will need to be replaced, which was not part of the quote.
A quote in the amount of $52,058 to repave Maple St. was discussed. The possible full reconstruction of Cottage Grove came up again. Cottage Grove was part of a quote in 2019 which was never acted on; the quote came in much higher than the engineer’s estimate. No action was taken this day on the Branding Iron hill, Maple St., or Cottage Grove. Mayor Kurt Reicks said all parcels should be treated fairly; we need to assess those that are assessable.
Ways to assess Branding Iron hill, Maple St. and Cottage Grove that would be fair and equitable were discussed. More information will be needed on costs for curb replacement. These projects may still be approved at a later date. The paving crew for the 2021 street project will be in Preston both this fall and next spring.
Other business in brief
• Police Chief Blaise Sass explained the city’s three squad cars are on a six-year rotation. He requested approval to replace a 2014 Impala (purchased used in 2016) with a 2022 Dodge Charger AWD V6. The new vehicle fully equipped will cost $37,928.45. His request was approved as presented. The sale of the 2014 Impala was also approved.
• Approval was given for Austin Baukol (218 Franklin St. NW) to have a new driveway approach installed.
• An updated agreement with MnDOT for the placement of the two municipal identification entrance signs on Highway 52 was approved.
• A safety contract was approved with the Minnesota Utilities Association (MMUA) to provide safety services for the city/utility. The city shares the cost with the Utility (45/55). The city’s share for 2022 is estimated to cost $7,624. The Utility Commission has approved the contract.
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