At the March 7 meeting of the Preston City Council, possible paving projects for this year were discussed. Councilman David Collett was absent.
In late 2021 the city council approved paving projects for the fire hall parking lot, city shop, and the veterans home bike trail (from the Branding Iron up toward the State Veterans Home). City Engineer Brett Grabau expects to be moving on these projects this spring. The city’s estimated cost for these three projects is $49,451. The city will be responsible for only 25% of the cost of paving for the city shop.
This leaves about $525,000 in the budget for other street improvements.
Other projects that had been considered included Maple St. and entrance and exit roadways to the Branding Iron. Since these projects should be assessable, they will need to go through the assessment process. The first step is a feasibility report which was ordered this day. The Maple St. project is estimated to cost $52,058. Lasting improvements on the Branding Iron hill are estimated to cost $289,171. Grabau noted curbs along the roadways on the hill are in bad shape.
Also, Jim Bakken maintained the sealcoating of the 2014 project streets should be done this year or next year at the latest to preserve those improvements at an estimated cost of $85,000.
If all these projects were completed this year the Street Improvement Reserve will drop slightly below $100,000. Councilman Charles Sparks said the reserves should not be knocked down below $100,000; you never know what will happen.
The council unanimously voted to order a feasibility report for Maple St. and the Branding Iron roadways.
Ambulance per capita rate
Ambulance Director Ryan Throckmorton recommended raising the ambulance per capita rate from $17 to $21.05, effective in 2023. Area townships approved this increase at their annual meeting. This rate increase will just match the rate already in effect in the Lanesboro area. The Preston city share with the increase will be $30,017.30 or a $5,775.30 increase. Per capita funding is used to sustain operating expenses and future ambulance purchases.
Other business in brief
•EDA Director Gabby Kinneberg reported on the highlights of 2021, which was her first year in this position. Preston’s first housing subdivision in 20 years is under construction. She reported that no businesses in Preston closed during the pandemic, due in part to community support. She listed several new businesses including, but not limited to, a dance studio, indoor storage, and mental health counseling services. A total of almost $130,000 from small city grants and private funds were used to rehab downtown properties. A commercial inventory tab has been added on the city’s website. A page on the website is dedicated to the State Veterans Home.
The city council approved new housing incentives for 2022; three for new construction and two for single family home rehabilitation. The incentives are available on a first come first serve basis.
•Ilene Edwards was present to request approval of Downtown Pop-up Markets for 2022. She said this is the sixth year for the markets; the markets have grown to an average of 27 vendors. The Pop-up markets were approved to be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on May 21, June 11, July 9, August 13, and September 17. She added live music may be added dependent on sponsorship funding.
•Jim Bakken, Public Works, requested and received approval to advertise to get quotes from companies for mowing and trimming of Crown Hill Cemetery.
•April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Sarah Monroe with Fillmore County Victim Services had requested permission to place teal ribbons on the light poles for the month of April. The request was approved.
•Sheila Marzolf explained because of redistricting, boundaries of polling places need to be reestablished. A resolution was adopted reestablishing the precinct boundaries and the polling place. The entire city of Preston’s polling place is Preston Emergency Services Building.
•The next city council meeting will be held on March 21. The Local Board of Appeal and Equalization in Preston will be on April 18.
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