At the March 20 city council meeting, approval was granted to hire Brady Meyer as a full-time police officer and Jackson Orlowsky as a full-time EMT. Mayor Kurt Reicks was absent.
City Administrator Ryan Throckmorton said the full-time police officer position had been posted in February. There were four applicants. Meyer had already been working as a part-time officer and was licensed. The department will be looking to fill some part-time positions. Throckmorton noted that filling police positions is a challenge at this time.
Ambulance director Deb Ristau said Orlowsky fits the requirements for a full-time EMT but will need some additional training. Orlowsky will need to obtain a Minnesota EMSRB license. Throckmorton said it is difficult to find both volunteers and employees.
City hall remodeling update
Needed repairs and waterproofing of city hall began last fall with the deconstruction and removal of hazardous debris. Throckmorton reviewed the costs of the reconstruction which came in mostly on budget; some costs were higher, and others were lower than expected. The total cost is $82,582.78. American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 funds in the amount of $65,169 were used to pay most of the costs. The difference of $17,413.78 was split with the Utility; a total of $8,706.89 will be contributed by the Utility. With this spit the city will pay approximately $900 more than originally anticipated. Some work has yet to be completed.
The staff is appreciative of the support received to have the work done, which has resulted in much improved air quality in city hall.
Other business in brief
• The library elevator is out of order. It was installed in 1996 and has needed significant repairs almost yearly. Throckmorton reviewed three quotes, two for a replacement elevator and one for repair of the existing elevator. The elevator is required to be ADA compliant. The repair will cost nearly $8,000 but will leave the city with an elevator that has had constant issues. Premier Lift Products will replace the elevator for $30,180, providing a color match and a three-year warranty. This quote will use the current doors. A second quote from Access Lifts in the amount of $36,728 will provide a two-year warranty and replace the current doors. The council approved the quote from Premier Lift Products In the amount of $30,180. Maintenance service for the elevator will cost $440 per year.
• Approval was granted to buy a carpet cleaner from Mytee Carpet Extractor at a cost of $2,500 for the complete unit. It will be used in city hall, library, and the fire hall. It steam cleans, leaving a nearly dry surface. Professional carpet cleaning is estimated to cost $2,000 to $3,000 for each annual cleaning.
• The 2023-2024 road salt contract was approved. Staff recommended purchasing a minimum of 25 tons.
• Approval was granted to again hire Rick Grooters for a summer help position in 2023.
• The council will meet next on April 3. The April 17 meeting will begin at 6:30 pm. The Local Board of Appeal will begin at 6 pm on April 17.
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