Ambulance Director Ryan Throckmorton reported at the Preston City Council’s June 6 meeting that two applicants had been interviewed for the full- time EMT position.
The council had approved the creation of a full-time EMT position at their June 7 meeting. Throckmorton at that time made it clear that the EMS structure currently in place is not sustainable. Staffing with volunteers only is causing EMS services to struggle everywhere.
Victoria Musel was hired as the full-time EMT as recommended by staff. She has been an EMT for Preston for about 10 years. Musel has accepted the position As part of her 40-hour per week obligation she will be required to work one 24-hour weekend shift per pay period.
Veterans home trail
Approval was given to support and to submit a grant application to the Southern Minnesota Initiative Foundation (SMIF) for funding assistance on a walking/bike trail from the Branding Iron to the subdivision on the hill. City Engineer Brett Grabau estimates the trail will cost about $30,000 (a 10-foot wide bituminous trail). Applications to SMIF are due July 15 for community based projects.
Other business in brief
•Part of the 2014 reconstruction of Judy Lane included the installation of a storm water pipe to discharge water into Katie Lobland’s pasture. This has caused repeated washouts of her fence line. Jim Bakken explained it has been agreed that the solution is to dig a swale diagonally across her pasture to the other fence to channel the water. Some riprap will be added, plus seeding and final prep of waterway. A quote from Brandon Gossman in the amount of $1,508 was approved to do the work to correct the problem.
•The second pay request in the amount of $244,409.02 for the 2021 Street and Utility Project was approved. The total paid to this point is $536,752.62. Five percent has been withheld to date as retainage. Grabau said utilities are completed in several portions of the project areas.
•The city purchases property, liability, and workers comp insurance through the League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust (LMCIT). The council approved the continuation of LMCIT as its insurance provider and chose not to waive the tort limits, as has been its practice in previous years.
•Approval was given to subordinate the Small Cities Grant Development Local Program to allow F & M Community Bank to be in first position on a loan to Dustin Arndt. He purchased another building in the city and has refinanced others he bought at the end of last year.
•The next city council meeting was scheduled for July 19. This meeting will likely be cancelled. The next scheduled meeting is August 2.
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