The Preston City Council, at their February 21 meeting, granted Minnesota Energy Resources Company (MERC) a temporary easement along Mill St. for construction purposes and a permanent easement across two parcels located on the northwest corner of the South Bridge.
City Administrator Ryan Throckmorton explained that MERC had contacted the city in 2021 about its intention to add two District Regulation Stations, one by the Emergency Services building, which has already been installed, and the other across CR 117 from the Power Plant. The land and road right of way are regulated by Fillmore County. The permanent 12-foot easement was approved which leads down to the river.
Plow purchases
Preston Utility recently purchased two new pickups. In the past the Utility and City split the cost of one of these pickups. The two entities agreed this time for the Utility to purchase the pickups (a 2022 Ford and a 2023 Chevy) and the City is responsible for the purchase of a plow for each pickup. Jim Bakken reviewed a quote from Ironside Trailer Sales & Services for the plows and installation in the total amount of $20,225.31. The new plows will not be put into service this year. One of the current plows will be traded and the other kept as a spare. The funds will come out of the city’s street equipment reserve fund.
Preston Emergency Services award
Nine performance measures were implemented in 2022 by the Minnesota Emergency Services Regulatory Board. Preston EMS was notified that it has been performing at a level worthy of special recognition. The service received a Certificate of Excellence for performing at a rate of 80% or higher on five or more of the Clinical Advisory Performance Measures for 2022. This reflects the dedication of the staff and volunteers that serve our communities.
Other business in brief
- Due to the resignation of one of the city’s three full-time police officers, effective March 2, the council approved the posting for the full-time position beginning the hiring process.
- The final pay request for the 2021 Street Project was approved. Alcon Construction Corporation will receive a total amount of $123,606.60 with $105,606.60 payable later this week and the remaining $18,000 paid within 14 days after Alcon has filed an IC-134 Form. City attorney Dwight Luhmann explained this was a negotiated settlement. Alcon has agreed to come back and clean up the staging site by May 12 and complete any seeding and vegetation work that needs to be done by the same date. Luhmann and city engineer Brett Grabau agreed this was a good resolution.
- Advertisement for Rock and Bituminous Bids was approved. The advertisement for a summer helper was also approved.
- The city council will next meet on March 6.
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