A resolution was adopted at the city council’s June 20 meeting formalizing three reasons for the denial of Andy Bunge’s request to rezone the Sackett and Winslow parcels that are part of the Park Lane development site.
Bunge had requested the rezoning of the parcels from R-2 (One and Two Family Residential) to R-3 (Multiple Family Residential). The city had previously transferred the assignment of the option agreement to Bunge along with the right to transfer the property to a different zoning district. Bunge insisted the rezoning will allow for a higher density of housing to make it more affordable for everyone. The rezoning had been recommended by Planning and Zoning at a May 31 meeting.
The council by a 3-2 vote denied the rezoning request at its June 5 meeting. The council is required to adopt a formal statement explaining the reasoning for the denial to the applicant. This day, a resolution was adopted detailing three reasons for the denial, including negative impacts to surrounding properties due to increased traffic, negative impacts to surrounding properties zoned R-2, and the provided development concept is compatible with current R-2 zoning. The resolution was adopted. Councilman Steve Hall voted no.
Other business in brief
•The THC (hemp derived cannabinoid products) Ordinance adopted by Fillmore County was discussed. The ordinance requires a license to sell (one year license), insurance, a background investigation, commissioners’ review, sales only in a fixed location in a commercial or industrial building, located at least 250 feet from a school or daycare, and more. Application fees for on-sale are $1,000, for off-sale $700, and for background check $300.
City Administrator Ryan Throckmorton said the council has three options. It could take no action allowing the county to regulate sale within the city, adopt the ordinance with the city taking over regulation, or adopt a more restrictive ordinance than the county. Throckmorton and Police Chief Blaise Sass recommended the first option of taking no action. Throckmorton noted that the county regulates tobacco licensing, and the city handles liquor licenses. The council unanimously approved a motion to adopt the county ordinance allowing the county to regulate sale.
•Throckmorton said interviews have been conducted for the EDA/Tourism/Chamber position. A recommendation for hire will be made at the next council meeting.
•Throckmorton reported that there is a new proposal for an additional 9-hole disc golf course to be located on the east side of the South Branch of the Root River near the ice rink and community gardens. The council approved a motion giving permission to use this land for a disc golf course. The Park Board will review the final layout of the course.
•The hire of Samantha Buley as head librarian was approved as recommended by the Library Board.
•The next city council meeting will be held on July 3.
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