At the April 3 meeting of the Preston City Council, a quote for replacing windows on the west side of the building (city hall/library) was discussed. Councilman Dean Aug was absent.
In October 2022, City Administrator Ryan Throckmorton sought quotes to replace the windows. A quote from Bowmans in the amount of $14,140 was accepted by the city council. A down payment in the amount of $7,070 was made. The city was notified recently that there had been a clerical error and the revised quote from Bowmans to replace the 14 windows is $26,705.90.
Throckmorton since has sought additional quotes and received a quote from La Crosse Glass and Overhead Door in the amount of $28,875. Deputy City Clerk Sheila Marzolf explained the windows need to be replaced. They leak and are rusting out and moldy. Staff has recommended accepting the higher revised quote from Bowmans and taking the difference in cost out of the contingency fund.
Councilmen Steve Hall and Charles Sparks agreed it is better to replace all 14 windows on that side of the building at the same time. If they only replaced office windows, they could be replaced for $11,430. This would not include the library windows on the west side of the building. Marzolf said if they delay, the cost could be even more.
The new windows will have a drip cap/hood and will be caulked to prevent leakage. Marzolf said the current windows were installed in 1996. The windows have leaked for several years. It was asked if the new windows will have a warranty. The council decided by consensus to get more information about a warranty. No action was taken this day.
Other business in brief
• Approval was granted to purchase a new pump, float, and wiring for the pond near the body shop from Reinders Distribution at a cost of $4,945.60. Funds will come out of the storm water fund. The current pump is not working and was repaired last in 2020. Jim Bakken doesn’t think it is repairable this time. The new pump system will not include lights. Staff was asked to see if the LED lights used with the old pump can be rigged to work with the new pump.
• The Arbor Day Proclamation was approved. April 28 is Arbor Day. Preston has been a designated Tree City for 39 years. The proclamation also proclaims May as Arbor month. There will be a tree planting ceremony on Arbor Day at Trailhead Park at 10 am.
• Approval was granted for Fillmore County Victim Services to place teal ribbons on the light poles in Preston for the month of April recognizing April as Sexual Assault Awareness month. The teal ribbons are to increase awareness of sexual assault and the resources available to those who have been victimized.
• The next meeting of the city council is on April 17. The Local Board of Appeal will be at 6 p.m. The city council meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m.
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