At the October 17 Preston City council meeting, City Administrator Ryan Throckmorton reviewed quotes which had been submitted to resolve water issues and fix damages in city hall. With a spring snow melt or heavy rains water has leaked into the council chambers along the north and east foundation walls. It appears to leak in where the foundation and basement floor meets.
Repairs will require extensive work to remove hazardous or damaged materials including carpet and sheetrock. Waterproofing will require several steps including the installation of a sump pump, an interior drain tile system, 6 mil poly on the foundation walls, and foam insulation.
The council approved low quotes from several businesses to move the repairs forward. The total of the quotes received and approved at this point is $51,274. Quotes are yet to be submitted for replacing sheetrock and painting and the replacement of the furnace. Throckmorton noted that the city has $65,169 of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds that can be put toward the project.
Hebl Cleaning & Restoration (Lanesboro) will deconstruct and remove hazardous debris at a cost of $4,206.
Liebenow Waterproofing LLC (Zumbrota) will remove the lower six foot of sheetrock, install sump basket and sump pump in east storage room and install interior drain system. Discharge sump piping will go to the south in the east storage room. Liebenow will install the 6 mil poly on three walls of the council room and will run a matting system from footing to ceiling in the storage room. Their cost estimate is $16,538.
Expert Insulation (Rochester) will install closed cell spray foam over the matting system on the foundation walls at a cost of $3,205.
Latch Island Gutter Service, Inc. (Winona) will install gutters on the entry awning at a cost of $810. Water has come through the entry area.
Torgerson/Ostby Floor Covering and Stone, Inc. (Harmony) will tear out carpet, prepare surface, and replace carpet in the council room, hallway, office, and copy room at a total cost of $12,375.
Bowmans Door Solutions (Rochester) will replace windows on the west side of the library and city office windows at a cost of $14,140. These are to be aluminum frame windows. Drip caps will be installed above the windows.
Two quotes have not come in at this point. Al Larson & Sons Plumbing and Heating, Inc. (Preston) is preparing a quote for the replacement of the furnace. The current furnace is 30 years old. Ron Schroeder has been asked to provide a quote for the replacement of sheetrock and painting.
Throckmorton acknowledged during deconstruction and installation meetings and other business may need to be held elsewhere. The timeline for this project will likely stretch over the winter months and into the spring.
Other business in brief
• A request for proposals for the 2022 and 2023 audits was approved.
• The second and final payment to Griffin Constuction Co., Inc. for Circle Heights Dr. Improvements was approved in the amount of $14,801.85.
• A gambling permit was approved for Prevent 22 Taskforce. Raffle tickets will start selling at the Preston Servicemen’s Club on February 1, 2023, and the drawing will be held on June 24, 2023.
• Approval was given to advertise for a request for proposals for the 2023 official newspaper and for city attorney.
• The next city council meeting will be held on November 7. This will include assessment public hearings. The second meeting in November will be held on November 17 and will include general election canvasing and the regular council meeting.
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