The preliminary 2020 budget and levy was adopted unanimously at the Preston City Council’s September 18 meeting. Councilman Charles Sparks was absent.
The total preliminary levy for 2020 is $985,130. This will require a 4.57% property tax levy increase over 2019, or a difference of $43,084. These numbers can be reduced when the final levy is approved in December, but can not be increased.
Local government aid for 2020 will be a less than $1,700 more than last year or $499,120. Increased expenses include higher health insurance expenses, a 2.5% cost of living increase for employees, increased per capita ambulance services costs, new office equipment, election expenses, new capital equipment for the fire department, and police property/liability insurance and computer support.
Other business in brief
•The Preston Police Department again enters into an agreement with the Minnesota Department of Public Safety for traffic safety enforcement projects. The Toward Zero Deaths grant is provided to pay officers for extra shifts to conduct enhanced traffic enforcement. The Fillmore County Sheriff is the fiscal agent and administers the grant funds. The program has been shown to reduce fatalities, major injuries, and medical expenses since the inception of the program.
•The contract with the Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association to provide safety coordination services with the city/utility was approved. The city shares the cost of the service with the utility (45/55). Mark Hottel, safety coordinator, is in Preston two days per month. He provides mandated safety trainings, including “employee right to know, blood-borne pathogens, first aid, fire extinguisher use, and confined space entry.” The city’s share of the cost for 2020 is estimated to be $7,402.
•John Kinneberg’s appointment to Planning & Zoning Committee was approved. He will replace Matt Schultz.
•A letter of support signed by City Administrator Joe Hoffman for Mibroadband’s application to the Border to Border grant program was approved. The partnership, which includes Harmony/Mabel/Spring Grove telephone and MiEnergy, is proposing to build a fiber backbone in Fillmore County. This will include a fiber line through Preston.
•Payments of League of Minnesota Cities dues for 2020 in the amount of $1,573 and Minnesota Mayors Association dues for 2020 in the amount of $30 were approved.
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