The 14th annual Preston Area Community Foundation dinner and auction will be held on Monday, March 28, 2022, at the Branding Iron, starting with a social hour at 5:30 p.m. and a dinner at 6:30 p.m. This annual event is a great opportunity for PACF donors in the greater Preston and Fountain areas to hear about the impact their contributions are making to improve the quality of life and build stronger communities.
The event highlight will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Foundation along with our speaker Jennifer Hawkins. Jennifer is an Extension Educator for Community Economics serving the southeast region based out of the University of Minnesota Extension office in Rochester. In this role she works with community leaders across the region to choose and create their future by leveraging data, information, and University resources. Jennifer spent over seven years as a practitioner of economic development in roles at the regional and state levels in Minnesota. Her work in economic development includes the creation of Comprehensive Economic Development Strategies, grant writing, revolving loan fund administration, evaluation of economic development initiatives, asset-based business attraction, and aligning resources to support the growth of new and existing businesses. Her presentation will highlight how the Preston and Fountain communities have capitalized on strengths to grow our economic development activities to elevate the region.
There will be several opportunities to donate to the PACF throughout the evening through silent and live auctions. All auction proceeds as well as donations made to PACF that evening will be matched by Dan Christianson and F&M Community Bank 50 cents on the dollar. If anyone would like to donate items to the silent auction, these items can be dropped off at F&M Community Bank through midday on March 14. Tickets for the PACF dinner and auction are $50 and are available at F&M Community Bank in Preston.
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