PRESTON, MN, November 21, 2019 – On Sunday, December 1, the Preston Area Chamber of Commerce will dedicate this year’s Chamber Christmas Tree in memory of Jim Pickett, a former Preston area resident who was an active volunteer in the Preston community. The ceremony will be held in front of Preston City Hall, and will begin at approximately 1 p.m.
Pickett loved Preston and was proud of the area he was born in, raised in and lived almost his entire life in, except for his Army days.
He was known around Preston for his kindness and friendliness to everyone he met. Pickett was very proud of his involvement in the local American Legion and Color Guard. Performing ceremonies at the State Veterans Cemetery with his comrades was a real honor for him.
Pickett served for 37 years on the Fountain Township board and also served for many years as an election judge. He was president of the Fillmore County Historical Society for two terms, and an active volunteer there for many years. He was a member of Preston United Methodist Church, and served on various church committees. For a number of years he was the chairman of their annual codfish supper and “head meatball maker.” Pickett was happy to contribute to the Preston Area Community Foundation, annually sponsored a Preston Servicemen’s Club Scholarship for a Fillmore Central student, and could often be seen around town supporting local businesses.
He passed away in July 2019. Pickett’s smile is missed not only by his family, but his community, as well.
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