The Preston City Council, at their November 4 meeting, approved a motion to move forward to get a formal state bid proposal for the purchase of a new ambulance in 2020.
Ambulance director Ryan Throckmorton explained the 2008 ambulance that was purchased in 2011 is not reliable as the primary rig; it has had mechanical/suspension issues. Once an ambulance is ordered, it will take six to eight months to get a new ambulance built and delivered. The ambulance service has two ambulances.
The box will be placed on a 2020 4500 Ram chassis. Throckmorton estimated the new ambulance will cost $225,000. Allowing $25,000 to $30,000 for trade, the final cost will be roughly $195,000.
Currently, the ambulance service has about $175,000 in savings and expects to receive about $51,000 in township fees in the spring of next year. This will give them a fund of about $226,000. Throckmorton estimates about $31,000 will be left in the fund after purchase.
A committee of ambulance members has been formed. Committee members will review changes, look at Spring Valley units, and get the state bid. The bid will be brought back to the city council for approval.
Throckmorton said they have a 5-year and 10-year replacement plan. Township per capita fees will be saved in the equipment fund over the next years to build up the fund for a 2025 ambulance purchase to replace the other ambulance.
Housing feasibility study
Approval was given for the EDA to pay half the cost of an engineering feasibility study for extending utilities down Golfview Dr. The total cost of $4,200 is expected to be split between the Preston EDA fund and Public Utilities. Stantec Consulting Services, Inc. will do the study. The EDA and housing committee see this as a first step to the development of single family homes along Golfview Dr. The roadway in this area is already built.
Other areas being considered for development in the future include Fillmore/Park Lane and Wilson Hill/West River Rd. The Preston Housing Study estimates the need for 167 new single family homes by 2030.
Other business in brief
•Ordinance 288 was approved to create a 15 minute parking zone in the 600 block of Winona St. NW. Signs will be put up to mark the 15 minute parking zone which will serve as a loading zone for Traditions. The loading zone was requested by Pam Kunert, Traditions Community Director.
•An intercept agreement was approved with Mayo Clinic Ambulance. This is an updated agreement that the city has had with Gold Cross for many years.
•A renewed franchise agreement with Mediacom was approved. It was unchanged from the previous 15-year agreement. Mediacom collects 1% franchise fees on behalf of the city. City Administrator Joe Hoffman had been asked to see if Mediacom could add back WCCO and KSTP. Mediacom explained this would duplicate broadcasters causing costs to be passed on to cable customers.
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