Winning an election could be as simple as taking stands that are in agreement with the majority of citizens. There is significant consensus on many important topics. Polls consistently show approximately 70% support for the following.
1. Aggressive action on climate change is what the majority want. This could be achieved by ending subsidizes for fossil fuel companies and implementing a carbon tax. This does not mean a tax increase. Make it revenue neutral by decreasing income taxes by the amount raised from the pollution tax. Create a job and infrastructure program that trains workers displaced from outdated energy sectors. Create manufacturing jobs building components for an updated renewable energy grid, and improving efficiency. This makes energy more affordable in the long term and more reliable by decentralizing it. This is a win for consumers, workers, and most importantly offers a chance at a livable environment. Climate change is the result of how capitalism values the environment. We all know that a clean, healthy and beautiful environment has value and provides essential services. That value is not recognized by a system that only maximizes return on capital.
2. Campaign finance reform is necessary if we are to solve other problems. Having elected officials that work for the people instead of multinational corporations, Wall Street, and wealthy elites is one way to revitalize our democracy. We need public financing with strict spending limits if we want politicians to work for us instead of for those wealthy enough to buy them. Complete transparency of funding and spending is required. If money is speech, as some claim, then some people have a much louder voice than others. In a democracy everyone should have an equal voice.
3. Medicare for all, including mental health, dental and vision care. This will significantly reduce costs by giving the government the ability to negotiate with suppliers, providers and cut the insurance company “take.” There will be an increase in taxes on this one. It will be more than off-set because gone are insurance payments, copays and deductibles. You should expect a substantial pay raise because employers would no longer have the cost of health insurance. That money should continue to go to you. You would be free to switch jobs without interruption of health care. Networks no longer control who you can see. Those with pre-existing conditions are covered. According to studies done by University of Massachusetts Amherst and Political Economy Research Institute, the savings would amount to half a trillion dollars per year. It also means no more bankruptcies from getting sick, and a system that is much easier to navigate. We don’t need to adopt things not working in other countries. We design what we want.
Restoring voter access and ending gerrymandering, Education reform including tuition free state school higher education, Wage justice, Criminal justice reform, Infrastructure rebuild, Immigration reform, Green new deal, Rational military spending, Tax justice so elites pay their share and the budget deficit is addressed; these are all areas of consensus among people who care about the future of our country and democracy.
There is anger and discontent caused by real problems in people’s lives. People want radical change and leadership with vision. The status quo is not acceptable.
Obviously, character and integrity are essential qualities for any public servant. Being a good listener and someone who can express themselves well are also important. A candidate with these qualities and who supports the right agenda excites and motivates voters especially young voters. These things are fundamental to making our government work for all of us. They would allow our democracy to flourish again.
Problems cannot be solved with the same level of thinking that created them. To create a better future we must be able to envision it. Let’s stop pretending that solutions don’t exist. It is only the will to act that is lacking.
Hawkeye63 says
Yes Sir, folks, we need to listen to good old Dr. Van Gorp and put government in charge of our lives 100%. Pay no attention to those old dead white men who wrote that obsolete old thing called the ” Constitution” or that dusty old document, ” The Bill of Rights”. Us modern folks have to realize that capitalism is dead, socialism is the way to go!
Look how well Socialism has worked! Well sure, there has been a few glitches, like Soviet Union, Cuba, Venezuela, and well, everywhere else it has been tried, but just because it has always failed miserably, lets go with it anyhow!
Shucks, what’s not to love about a system that gives us everything we ever wanted for free? Why would we reject government control when the only things government fails at is the postal system… the VA … a balanced budget…. agreeing on a path to immigration reform…. agreeing on a budget to keep government running… and well, basically failing to excel at anything, but doggone it, lets give them total authority.
Pay no attention to those idiots who extol tired old philosophies like personal responsibility, individual liberty, etc., You know, any idea that a person should have to take ownership for their actions or enjoy the fruit of individual effort. Let big government run every last detail. Ignore those losers who say a government big enough to give us everything is also powerful enough to take it all away.
Heck, if we jump on Dr. Van Gorps program in 2020, by 2024 we could be like every other socialist country, standing in line for our free toilet paper and a free loaf of bread! We might even get Mexico to pay for the WALL to keep out everyone fleeing poverty and moving to Mexico!!
Kim Wentworth says
Global warming, where?? Human beings control Earth?? Medicare for all?? Last time I checked this was not a right. So silly
Thomas E.H. says
//Global warming, where?? //
You have answered your own question, lol! Are you the last person in denial or something?
Kim Wentworth says
Um, yes, global warming?? Where is this happening? The climate continues to change and evolve, so??? Something as insignificant as the human being is not going to change that.
Thomas E.H. says
//Um, yes, global warming?? Where is this happening?//
Globally, Kim. Globally.
//The climate continues to change and evolve, so???
So, Kim, it’s the RATE OF CHANGE.
//Something as insignificant as the human being is not going to change that.//
What makes you so sure about that? What is the CO2 output of humans? What is the ambient CO2 output per year?
Aaron Bishop says
Great questions Thomas. I’m working on an article that addresses Kim’s and your questions.
Mark says
Medicare for all is not a workable idea. The government set reimbursement rate to providers would be so low that the quality of the care will suffer tremendously. It does sound like a great idea: have all the health care you want and get somebody else to pay for it. The problem is the lack of transparency in the government program will lead to enormous amounts of waste, which is already a big problem. Plus it would literally cost trillions of dollars. You think cutting out insurers is going to help? Having the government decide who gets care and when is a very, very bad idea. We should not entrust our health care to government. While it is in place in many other countries, the quality of that care is very poor with long waits, rationed care and lower quality providers. People might like ‘free’ health care but beware, you get what you pay for.
Thomas E.H. says
//We should not entrust our health care to government. While it is in place in many other countries, the quality of that care is very poor with long waits, rationed care and lower quality providers. //
I challenge you to find Europeans who would prefer to have an American healthcare system over what they have. Yes, long waits sometimes, but the culture allows for it. Bring a book.
Hawkeye63 says
Thomas E.H., ever been to Mayo Clinic? Hundreds of thousands of European and Canadian patients there every year.
Would they be here if their own system was so great? How much have you traveled to other countries?
You lefties are always complaining about America. If America is so backward, why is the rest of the world beating down our door trying to get in?