Photo by Wanda Hanson
After four months of advertising for a second police officer for Houston with no applicants, City Administrator Michelle Quinn and Chief of Police Bret Hurley decided to think outside the box. At the regular city council meeting October 15, Hurley presented a proposed job description for a police officer trainee. The goal of presenting this was to help with retention of an officer and support the community’s desire for a second officer.
The plan is to get an applicant in the last year of an officer training program. The city would cover the expense of the officer’s last year at classes while the potential hiree would be required to stay at Houston upon graduation for an additional three years.
Hurley explained that this position would not always be used; it is not intended to add an additional third officer, but just to help find an officer when needed. The position would be a part-time position; some of the required city police officer training could be accomplished during that time and thus streamline the training needed when the officer graduated and joined the Houston Police Department full-time.
The proposed job description still needs to be sent to the city attorney for approval. According to Quinn, the officer would receive a good depth of experience in this way, develop police-community relationships and be visible in the community.
Councilman Steve Westby opined, “Sounds like a good idea!”
Councilman Zeb Baumann interjected, “It’ll be good to try something new!”
The council approved sending the draft of the police officer trainee job description for review by the city attorney and the posting of the position once approved..
CSAH 13/Spruce Street Project
Derek Olinger of Bolton & Menk visited the council meeting to provide an update on the joint CSAH 13 and Spruce Street project. During the project, the utilities will be rebuilt and the storm sewer will be replaced.
The council was asked for guidance regarding a parcel at the northeast quadrant of Washington and Spruce Street. Both water and sanitary services were originally planned for. The sewer is necessary to do, but the water service technically didn’t need to be done since there was water available from Washington Street.
The current owner didn’t want to have water service put in due to the assessment that would be required. At this time, the property is an empty lot, but could be later divided into three lots. Adding water service from Washington Street to lots could be done later at the owner’s expense. Since there would be no need to disturb the county highway to do that, the consensus of the council was to not add the water service at this time.
Olinger reported that he had a discussion with the tree board regarding tree removal. When the council asked about the citizen request for healthy trees to be removed between Jackson and Jefferson Street, Olinger replied that they had no plans to remove the trees.
Funding for the project will likely be covered by sale of a bond to a degree, but most will come from PFA (Public Facilities Authority) funding with a low interest loan and grant funding. Unfortunately, the bonding bill was not passed in last year’s legislative session so there are no loans or grants currently available.
Olinger recommended that the city stay on track and still get the certification done so they would be ready to go if the bonding bill gets passed in the next session in late May. He added, “it’s not uncommon to build the project and get reimbursed later.” This would then be in the form of a low interest loan.
The city will need to discuss timing with the county. Olinger noted that it would be best if they could begin work shortly after school is out in the spring.
The council passed a resolution which Olinger called a “check box approval” that the county needs for the state. The resolution approves the scope of the work. There may be minor changes in the future.
Other business
In other business the council:
- Decided to require an increase in liquor liability insurance so there would be appropriate coverage if something were to happen;
- Postponed the fire chief appointment until after the assistant was chosen so they can be appointed at the same time;
- Approved the emailing of paystubs to city employees—this will be a cost saving and more efficient;
- Approved the purchase of a $6,450 sander for PWD;
- Set the board of canvass of election results for 5:50 p.m. November 12 right before the November council meeting – it was necessary to change the date due to Veterans Day.
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