Eitzen council members agreed, at their June 13 meeting, that seeing all the activity scheduled at the town’s ballpark this summer is good.
“Next Tuesday is the first Pee Wee game,” announced Mayor Jeff Adamson. “Every Tuesday in June, and once we get into July, there’s going to be Tuesday and Friday night games for the first three weeks in July after the 4th. That will be pretty cool! We will be pretty busy during the summer down there, two nights a week. Tuesday, August 1, will be the play off’s, and Tuesday, August 8, will be the Pee Wee championship night. There will also be a Thursday night game, August 3, which will be the final night of Tee Ball, not Pee Wee, but Tee Ball, which they have never done down here before. It will be the itty-bitty ones down here. That will be a hoot.”
There will also be practice at the park once or twice a week.
The mayor added that he has a lead on a pitching machine and thinks it would be a good use of space to create a batting cage where the horseshoe pits used to be.
The 4-H club will manage the concession stand at the ball diamond.
All five council members were in attendance at this night’s meeting: Mayor Adamson and councilmembers Emily Burrichter, Doug Meyer, Mitch Lange and Mitch Luttchens.
Others in attendance were Darryl Meyer, city maintenance and city clerk Steve Schuldt.
The council unanimously approved the minutes from the May 9 council meeting as presented and the May financial reports.
The mayor updated the council on the main street sidewalk project, “There might be a little bit of an issue with the sidewalk. There are two trees and an awful high spot in the first section that we have to start with.” He added, “We might have to come up with a plan to remove the trees and do some landscaping.” The rest should be okay.
The community center remodel is on hold. The mayor explained that the two contractors approached to work on the project have a busy schedule this fall and are not expected to have time to work on the community center.
The first wave of letters regarding the water meter project has been sent to residents and business owners. Installers will send out a second letter encouraging property owners to call in and schedule appointments. They will also knock on doors and make phone calls if necessary to schedule appointments. The city will have a list of appointments to ensure all meters are replaced. Property owners are asked to stop into city hall and talk with Schuldt if there are questions. Property owners need to contact the installers, not the city, to schedule an appointment. Luttchens emphasized that it is not their first rodeo.
In one swift motion, the council approved a building permit for Beth Sauer. The permit is to build a 34’ by 44’ garage. The mayor said, “It is the summer of garages.”
As promised at the May 9 city council meeting, the improvements brought to the council’s attention were made to the town’s dog park. The mayor noted that the little dogs are not able to escape now.
New chips have been installed in the playground.
The city received a letter from Houston County Emergency Management director Mark Olson, asking for input on the county’s hazard mitigation plan.
Darrel noted that everything is working, including the irrigation system. Burrichter said, “It is a good year to have an irrigation system.”
Plans are in place for the town’s 4th of July celebration.
The meeting was adjourned the meeting at 6:30 p.m.
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, July 11, at 6 p.m., at the Eitzen city hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. The public is invited to attend. Contact Steve Schuldt, City Clerk, at (507) 495-3017 or eitzen@acegroup.cc. Office hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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