City Engineer Brett Grabau, Stantec Consulting Services, Inc., reviewed the schedule for the 2021 Street and Utility Improvements at the Preston City Council’s January 4 meeting.
In July, authorization was given to prepare for the plans for the project which is estimated to cost $3.75 million, of which $2.8 million will be borne by the city. The planned project includes portions of five streets in the Valley St. area, portions of five streets in Five Points, portions of Chatfield Ave. and Park Lane.
Grabau said some of the street design has been completed and some of the utility design is in progress. They are looking at the structural viability of retainment walls, especially in the Valley St. area.
Grabau presented a slightly revised/tentative project schedule for the improvement projects. The council will be asked to consider approving plans and specifications at their February 1 meeting. Construction is expected to begin in early May and be substantially completed in early October. The project areas should be open to traffic sometime in October.
Other business in brief
• City Administrator Joe Hoffman administered the oath of office to reelected Mayor Kurt Reicks, reelected councilman David Collett, and newly elected Dean Aug.
• The city of Preston appointments for 2021 for various commissions and boards was discussed. There are council member openings on the Planning Commission, Tourism Board, and EDA. A decision on those council member openings will be made at the next meeting. Collett was again approved to act as the mayor pro-tem. There is a vacancy for a volunteer on the Planning Commission and the Library Board.
• Staff recommended no changes in the city’s fee schedule. By consensus the council decided to agree to the staff’s recommendation.
• A resolution was approved authorizing Mayor Reicks, Mayor Pro tem Collett, City Administrator Hoffman, and deputy clerk Sheila Marzolf to sign checks. Two signatures are required on city checks. The resolution will be forwarded to F & M Bank.
• A list of donations received by the city in 2020 was approved.
• The annual dues for membership to the Preston Area Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $125 were approved.
• The next city council meeting will be held on Tuesday, January 19.
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