Despite the minus one degree weather, the Eitzen City Council held its regularly scheduled meeting, Tuesday, February 9, 2021, from 7-8 p.m. at Eitzen City Hall.
Councilmembers in attendance were Mayor Jeff Adamson and Councilmembers, Emily Burrichter, Mitch Luttchens, Mitch Lange, and Doug Meyer. Staff in attendance were Steve Schuldt, city clerk, and Daryl Meyer, maintenance. Guests in attendance included Charlene Selbee, Fillmore County Journal.
First order of business, Schuldt swore in Councilman Mitch Luttchens.
The council unanimously approved the minutes from the last regular city council meeting, January 12. Financials were approved as presented.
Unfinished business
Mayor Adamson updated the council on the Wiebke’s Solar System project, “It is going forward.” The meter will have to be pulled and he and Meyer will be meeting with the installers to explain why. Councilwoman Burrichter asked about the solar energy ordinance and was informed that it is on the city’s to-do list. Wiebke’s solar system would be grandfathered in when a solar ordinance is enacted. The mayor also mentioned that Wiebke’s solar energy system is going on the roof.
The mayor shared with the council that the “poles are being inspected so we don’t have any more poles snap off.”
New business
The mayor will be meeting with the Lions Club tonight after the city council meeting regarding the ball park lights. The city received a quote approximately two years ago. The quote ran almost an even $8,000, which includes material and labor. According to the mayor, “The lights need to be replaced as they are pretty pathetic.” The current lights are 1500 watts per light drawing 110 amps, making the meters really spin and hot. There are 9 to 10 poles with three bulbs on each pole. All will be replaced. The Lions Club has expressed interest in having additional electrical outlets added at the same time to accommodate food vendors during the Fourth of July celebration. Additional 110 outlets are needed as well as 220 outlets because vendors like Stumpy’s Concessions needs 220 plus 50 amp to run their pizza ovens. It was also mentioned that the Lions Club decided at their last meeting that they would host a tractor pull and derby. The consensus of the council is to move forward.
It is time to revisit the sidewalk project as it has been tabled time and time again. The project involves “filling in the empty spaces” east from the bar to the last house and possibly all the way to the senior housing complex. Mayor Adamson ask councilmembers to check and see if their constituents would support the project. If so, the council can look at taking on the project this summer if the town decides to go forward with it. Meyer explained that the sidewalks that did not meet ADA requirements have been redone. The sidewalks are in the county’s right away so the city would need approval from the county. Meyer mentioned “lots of people walking in the summer.” Extending the sidewalk to senior housing would allow residents to walk into town without walking in the streets and the same applies to the children walking and riding bikes.
Meyer explained that he will get a hold of the county about applying seal coat to Portland Ave. and Maple St., as seal coat should be applied every five to seven years.
After reviewing the January bills, the council unanimously approved paying the January bills.
Mayor Adamson called to adjourn the meeting at 7:55 p.m. The motion was unanimously approved.
The next regular meeting of the Eitzen City Council is Tuesday, March 9, 2021, at 7 p.m., at Eitzen City Hall (next to the fire station), 202 East Main Street, Eitzen. Contact Steve Schuldt, City Clerk at (507) 495-3017 or Office hours, Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.
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