Photo by Wanda Hanson
The Rushford-Peterson School Board heard a presentation by Rob Brown from Nexus Solutions at their regular meeting November 18. Nexus is a consulting firm that helps schools plan for future needs of a school. Brown shared sample 10-year plans the company had completed for other area schools such as St. Charles and Dover-Eyota.
R-P has recently completed their strategic plan; Nexus could take a look at how the facilities play into the strategic plan. Brown reminded the board that the school was preparing students for jobs that haven’t even been invented yet.
Superintendent Ben Bernard had asked Brown to look at the facilities; Bernard assured the board that there were no plans at this time to build or remodelat R-P. Considering the use of Nexus was merely part of planning ahead.
Brown declared that having a long-term plan helps build trust with the public. Any facilities plan would include engaging the public in the process. By having a plan, items can be updated on a schedule and not end up all at the same time.
Nexus has a commitment to maximize the square footage as much as possible. They provide good, better and best solutions for a school’s needs. According to Brown, Nexus works “at risk,” meaning that they charge the school nothing unless there is funding available and the school has chosen to do a project. At that time they do all the architecture and engineering and receive fees. Nexus is fully transparent and shares the percentages and dollar amount of their fees with the school and the public.
Brown had identified five areas at the school where additions or other expansion projects could be done if and when needed. He pointed out that the emphasis on Career Tech classes might lead to the need for additional space.
An example given was that if the ag class wanted to add a greenhouse for a horticulture class, they would need more room which could possibly be added behind the current classroom.
By having a 10-year plan, Brown said that the school could stage solutions and prevent having to remove a new building in order to build something else a short time later.
Dr. Bernard wants to have conversations with both the Facilities Committee and the entire board to see how they want to approach future planning. He had done the same when the board worked on the school strategic plan. No decisions were made regarding the use of Nexus at this time.
Employee Wages
The suggested increase for van drivers’ wages was approved. The district’s goal is to get the base rate for the van drivers to $15 per hour by making small increases every couple years.
Dr. Bernard updated the board on the educational support personnel (paras) negotiations. At this time, the union is requesting an 11.47% total package over the next two years with a 39.86% increase in health insurance the first year. The district has proposed an 8.14% total package increase over the next two years with only a 15.44% health insurance increase the first year.
Bernard noted the “immense impact” the educational support personnel have on student success and stressed that the school remains committed to providing the employees with a wage comparable to other area schools while still staying within the financial means.
Possible Schedule Changes
Principal Jake Timm shared information about a possible schedule change for the MSHS. Timm proposed a seven period day with six classes and a study hall for students.
Two options are being considered.The first option would result in all class periods the same length and a 30-minute study hall. The second option would have all seven periods the same length. There would be a minimal impact of the length of the day – 15 minutes could be added.
Timm explained that more elective options could be added with the proposed schedule. There would be increased rigor; with core area classes going to full year there would be a decrease in learning loss. Concurrent enrollment classes through a partnership with Riverland College would also offer more classes to students with the opportunity to earn college credits right at R-P. More of the R-P teachers are furthering their education in order to teach concurrent classes.
There will be a parent listening session in December to gather feedback.
Other Business
In other business, the board:
- Accepted donations totaling $1,210;
- Set the organizational meeting on January 13 at 6 p.m.;
- Accepted the resignation of Laura Hahn, Payroll and HR Manager;
- Learned that a safe driver display would be presented by Josiah Rasmussen of Farmers Insurance at one event at the school. There would also be signage, social media posts and PA announcements about safe driving. The school will receive a $1,250 donation and will use it for state participant banners or flags around the campus. The board felt the project was acceptable since it was a positive promotion of safe driving.
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