Sheila Craig, Preston Historical Society, updated the Preston City Council at their December 16 meeting, the last meeting of 2024.
Craig explained she was asked to give a fundraising update to the council every three months. This is her second report; she announced that they have raised $289,965; with the inclusion of active pledges the fund will have exceeded $300,000. The Christianson Family Fund has committed an additional $100,000, which will put the fund over $400,000 in the bank by the end of this year. Pledges for 2025 are not included. Craig commented, “People in this town are very generous.”
A “Buy a Brick Campaign” has officially begun; make your mark on a piece of Preston history. The estimated total project cost was $400,000 but that does not include furnishings and displays. Custom engraved bricks to be displayed on the patio are available; a four-inch by eight-inch engraved brick will require a $100 donation and an eight-inch by eight-inch engraved brick will require a $200 donation. The PHS is hoping to put information together for a building permit by the end of this year.
2025 Budget and Levy
An offer was made to continue the Tax Levy Presentation for those present from the public. The council planned to continue the Truth in Taxation meeting due to the fact that property tax notices were late and just out the day of the last city council meeting. The three citizens in attendance were present for the PHS presentation, not for the Tax Levy Presentation. There was no comment on the Truth in Taxation report.
The 2025 budget was approved as was the certification of the final levy to be collected in 2025. The total levy will be $1,274,789, which is a 6.08% increase or $73,084.
Other Business in Brief
• The CEDA contract which expires at the end of this year was again discussed. City Administrator Ryan Throckmorton reviewed four options for EDA services. Councilman Steve Hall said he was not interested in the first option which was a renewal of the CEDA contract; Mayor Kurt Reicks agreed.
Throckmorton said he had met with Southeast Service Cooperative. He said they were more of a consulting service and could provide a consultant for a half day per week. This option will put more reliance on city staff.
A part-time EDA director could be hired. The fourth option is a collaboration with a couple other communities in the region for shared EDA services.
Throckmorton said the options can be discussed with the EDA board in January. He will look into the cost for using the services of Southeast Service Cooperative. Hall and Reicks said they want to join in a meeting to discuss community collaboration. No action was taken this day.
• A professional services agreement with Burbach Aquatics Inc. for a technical evaluation to assess the current condition of the swimming pool was approved. The evaluation services will cost $8,950. They will identify all necessary repairs to ensure Code Compliance and provide an estimate for probable construction cost along with a timeline for construction. The Minnesota Department of Health requires improvements to come up to Code. Councilman Charles Sparks who serves on the Park Board said they need an overall good picture of what needs to be done and what that will cost. The pool will be open this upcoming season.
• Fillmore County Journal was approved as the official newspaper. The quote received for 2025 represented a 5% increase for legal notices; other items were unchanged from 2024.
• Mya Hagen and Ilene Edwards were selected to fill vacancies on the Preston Public Library Board, effective January 1. The appointments were recommended by the Library Board.
• Erlyn Marzolf was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission as recommended by the Planning Commission.
• A VOTER Account agreement with Fillmore County was approved as recommended by staff. Fillmore County receives state funding for election costs.
• The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) was renewed for 2025. The program can assist employees in resolving personal problems that impact their job and their well-being.
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