Part two
Houston County and Fillmore County were established, broken off from Wabasha County by the territorial legislature, in 1854. An 1882 history of Houston County reviewed some news-worthy events in the county during its first three decades. The following is quoted with the original spelling, capitalization and punctuation from that large volume. These entries are most, but not all, of what was once “breaking news” from 1865 through 1868.
The year 1865
“In March, there was a noted flood on the Root River. Not a single dam, except at Hokah, could resist the frightful invitation to join the tide; the inundation of the valleys was fearful. The people along that usually placid stream deemed that destruction’s devastating doomsday had come. But when the waters receded, much less mischief than would have been supposed, was found to have been done.”
“On Monday, the 23rd of July, a Miss Mattocks was drowned at Hokah.”
“In May, there was quite an Indian scare, but it was much greater over in Wisconsin.”
The year 1866
“Wolf scalps were worth $6.00 each, and thirteen were brought in that year.”
“On Saturday, the 6th of December, the young ladies and gentlemen of Caledonia formed a literary society.”
“A fatal accident occurred to Mrs. Foster, in Hokah, in December, 1866. While on a visit to a mill her clothing was caught by a shaft, and she was carried through a space but eight inches wide; death came to her relief in two hours.”
The year 1867
“Early in the year an effort was made to establish a Unitarian Church in Caledonia… The subject elicited quite a newspaper discussion.”
“At the April election, the proposition to raise a tax of six mills on the dollar for the purpose of building a court house, was submitted to the voters of the county, and decided in the negative.”
“In March, a huge rock became detached near the top of the bluff in Brownsville, and came thundering down, and taking a flying leap near a house, went through it from roof to cellar, demolishing a part of the wall of the latter.”
“In April, 1867, a fire destroyed a book and notions store in Brownsville. Belonging to J. M. Yarr.”
“On Tuesday, the 2d of April, a Lodge of Good Templars was instituted in Caledonia, with thirty charter members.”
“On Monday evening, May 6th, the saw-mill and cabinet shop in Jefferson, owned by Gurney & Wellington, was entirely consumed by fire.”
“In May, the Clerk of the District Court, John Dorah, issued a license to a man 80 years of age, to marry a woman of 50.”
“A Base Ball Club was organized in Caledonia on the 29th of June… The club met on Saturday afternoons.”
“Two children, one belonging to Samuel Baird and the other to George Spangler, of Winnebago Valley, were killed by the caving in of a bank, on the 13th of July.”
“The regalia, seal, books and other property belonging to Money Creek Lodge of Good Templars was stolen on the evening of the 16th of July.”
“Base Ball struck the town of Hokah late in the summer, and a club was organized, called Resolute Base Ball Club of Hokah…”
“In the early fall, Dr. H. B. Laflin took the initiative in laying sidewalks in Caledonia, by commencing in front of his place on Kingston street.”
“In the autumn Prof. Julius Emmons opened a select school in Caledonia, which was largely attended.”
“Wheat sold at Brownsville and Lansing for from $1.50 to $1.90 per bushel.”
“In December, a series of meetings were held in Caledonia to influence the enforcement of an observance of the sabbath.”
The year 1868
“On the 5th of January 1868, the Episcopal Church in Caledonia having been completed, service was held in it for the first time.
“The Methodist Church bell was placed in position on the 11th of January 1868.”
“July 4th was quite generally celebrated in Houston County, the principal gatherings being at Caledonia… also at Riceford and Houston… At Riceford, a premature explosion carried away the arms of one man and an eye and a part of the face of another.”
Robin Zalky says
Mr..Epps I very much enjoyed this arrival having just discovering you at the Fillmore county journal.Please tell me where to ( date of ) the first part of the artical.Wolf pelts about California. I and all my family have deep roots in Fillmore county. Brusse, Lange,Kiehne,Zalky amount a few.So needless to say I am always loving the history.Thank you for your wonderful efforts..