By James Gilmer
Houston, MN
What do the words patriot and patriotism mean?
It is hard to put in to words, isn’t it?
I know true patriots in real life. Men and women like my own son, who is a career Air Force officer and is currently in Germany waiting to defend NATO if his country orders him to do so. These men and women stand ready to die in support of freedom and Democracy. They do this whether or not they voted for or against President Biden. They are truly patriots.
Watching the civilian population of Ukraine these past 15 days provides Americans with real life examples of patriotism. Despite political divides, 95% of the Ukrainian population has come together to stand behind their President Zelensky. Men and woman who are not soldiers are taking up arms to defend their nation, their freedoms and each other. They are truly patriots to their country.
Since January 6, 2021, the words patriot and patriotism have been used by some Americans to describe those people who stormed our capital and beat American policemen with crutches, pipes, bats and American flags.
I do know enough to know that was not patriotism. True patriots do not attack their own country, rather they stand behind it, support it and defend it. They work together to find the solutions to their problems despite their differences. They work to make the government work better for all of us.
On the way home today from a grocery store trip, I noticed another one of those “F#%K Biden” rags flying in the breeze beneath the Stars and Stripes.
While I support all Americans right to free speech, I cannot stay silent. Flying a flag like this is not free speech and it is definitely not being patriotic. It is hate speech and nothing more. It is intended to divide people not to unite them.
After watching the heroics of true patriots in Ukraine, it is sickening to see a flag like this. I can handle the vulgarity, just not the hatred and disloyalty that blue rag conveys towards America and towards all my fellow Americans.
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