By Pastor Mark Woodward, Pastor Devotions
Maple Leaf Parish Spring Valley: Faith, Cherry Grove, Fountain, Preston (and Lenora) United Methodist Churches
My mother passed away in 2016 at the age of 95. During her life she used to enjoy writing. Recently, I have been going through more of boxes which contain clippings, writings and poems.
My mother took an active interest in my work in caring for the historic church at Lenora. In the mid-1990s she wrote a poem about the old church. I feel inclined to share it with you here in the Fillmore County Journal…
“The Old Stone Church at Lenora”
By Jean Woodward
There it stood among the trees, Like a herald from the past, if you please.
Many years have graced those sacred walls
Memories forgotten, it still recalls.
Remembering the glow of
kerosene light,
Softly shining in the dark of night.
Strong beams of wood and the solidness of stone,
Have guarded that altar on the prairie alone.
Built by skilled hands, now at rest,
Their labors of love have stood time’s test.
The threshold is worn by many who came,
But in most ways, God’s house is still the same.
The pews, and the pulpit and even God’s word,
Are still just the way when first seen or heard.
Though the building itself may be old and worn,
Its message of love forever lives on.
What stories those old pews could tell,
Times of sorrow and joy they knew so well.
Confessions and prayers, praises and song,
A rich heritage that will forever belong.
The walls are old and the stones etched with grime,
For they echo the deeds of a long, long time.
But God’s message is always the same,
And His truth will forever remain.
I am ever so thankful for this poem my mother wrote about the old church in Lenora. Praise be to God.
May God’s blessings be yours today and always!
Louis Underbakke says
Dear Pastor Woodward: Thanks for sharing your mother’s poem, “The Old Stone Church at Lenora”. I may read it next Friday at the Mercury Cafe’s “open mike” in Denver because your mother’s poetry reminds us all of the importance of community as Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s “Life Together” also explored. Thank you for sharing, Louis Underbakke