By Pastor Pam Seebach
Harmony, Mabel, and Newburg United Methodist Churches
A common phrase, when one doesn’t understand what the person in front of them just said is, “Come again?” In effect, you are asking them to repeat what they just said so that you might hear, and understand, the second time. We just experienced the coming of the Christ Child, a joyous event for those whose heart can receive joy at this time. However, I know there are plenty of people for whom grief or loss or confusion or sadness crowd out any possibility of joy right now. For them, I ask Jesus, “Come again?”
“Wait,” you might think, “Jesus is supposed to schedule a separate Christmas just for those people?” Yes! You might also be thinking, “The second coming will happen at the same time for everyone!” But wouldn’t you agree that God can do anything? Why shouldn’t we ask Jesus to “come again” in a manner and at a time when the person in need can receive Him? Paul’s Letter to Titus says, in chapter 2, “The grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation to all people.” (Titus 2:11, Common English Bible) Salvation – God’s grace – will come for all people, into their individual souls. Now, we know that no two people on this earth are exactly alike (even identical twins have some differences), yet all of us are made in God’s image (“God created humanity in God’s own image” Genesis 1:27, CEB). So, extrapolating from that point, we arrive at the same point the psalmist did when writing, “Lord, you have examined me. You know me. You know when I sit down and when I stand up. … You are thoroughly familiar with all my ways. There isn’t a word on my tongue, Lord, that you don’t already know completely.” (Psalm 139:1-4, CEB) Therefore, God in Jesus Christ understands when a person’s heart cannot take in the joy of His coming right now, and Jesus gladly will “come again” when you or that person can understand.
You, my reader friend, have a point when you say the second coming will happen for everyone. But I don’t want to limit Jesus to just one more appearance when He can “appear” in my heart or your heart any day He chooses! Jesus can do it! (“Ask, and you will receive.” Matthew 7:7, CEB) If the joy of Christmas didn’t feel right for you this year, turn to Jesus and ask him, “Come again?” He will. After all, Jesus himself taught, “Happy are people who grieve, because they will be made glad.” (Matthew 5:4, CEB) Jesus will come again for you, just ask!
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