By Pastor Kris Hertsgaard
Christ Lutheran Church, Preston
“You are the salt of the earth!” This familiar phrase is from a sermon Jesus gives in Matthew. He tells the crowd – you are the salt of the earth. Put simply, when your life is the right amount of salty, your actions enrich and benefit other people. When Jesus was giving this sermon, a crowd was gathered. Some were disciples. Others were curious and came to listen. Others happened to be there and may or may not have been interested in what Jesus had to say. When Jesus was speaking, he spoke to the entire crowd, regardless of their level of interest. We know this because he uses the Greek plural for the word you, like “you all.”
It is May, and we are celebrating all the high school seniors who will soon graduate. Throughout high school these students poured themselves into classes, music, sports, speech, service, part-time jobs, and friendships. In a few short years they will represent law enforcement officers, engineers, factory workers, mechanics, educators, health care professionals, and more. They will move from student leaders to community leaders.
Throughout life, Christ welcomes us and calls us to be salt for the earth. In the ancient world salt was a precious commodity. Roman soldiers’ salaries were paid by the weight of salt. Now, we use salt every day. Jesus uses salt as a metaphor when he says, “You all are the salt of the earth.” What you do with your saltiness matters. Christ calls us to use our saltiness for the good, sharing our gifts and influencing the world, one shake of salt at a time. Jesus didn’t say “Maybe you will be the salt of the earth.” Jesus said, “You are the salt of the earth!” Although salt is ordinary, it is also essential. Likewise God’s people are ordinary, and God’s people are also essential.
As you continue to enrich other people’s lives and advocate for others whose needs are great, remember you are a beloved child of God, and be salty! God is with you.
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