Racine/Sumner Center UMC,
Stewartville UMC Children’s Ministry Coordinator
By Pastor Bridget Sheely
Racine/Sumner Center UMC,
Stewartville UMC Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Pull back the curtains, lift the blinds, and open those windows for it is time to let the fresh air of spring back into your space! The quiet solitude days of winter are moving on out and the breath of God is blowing across this land bringing new life to His creation again. Friends we have entered what the Christian calendar calls the Season of Lent. This is a time when we balance the tension of a humble reckoning of our sinful nature through repentance and also find a joyful expectation that we can be changed, renewed, and released from the chains of oppression. It is a spring cleaning of the soul that gives us permission to take seriously the areas of our lives where we may be falling short or feeling defeated or even experiencing shame, loneliness or isolation from our community, family, and God. There is a wonderful verse in the book of Lamentations Chapter 3 verse 40 that says, “40 Let us examine our ways and test them and let us return to the Lord.” (NIV) Lent give us the opportunity to live these words. We have 40 days in which to examine where we are in this life, ponder on what we may want to change moving forward, try committing to a routine change be it small or large and truly find the inspiration and resolve to come back home to God. He loves you and he misses your presence. I believe the author of the book of Hebrews captures the essence of what the season of Lent is truly about:
Hebrews 12:1-2 (NIV) “12 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, 2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”
Dear beloved children of God, I encourage you as you prepare for Easter to commit to an honest examination of your life. Let go of what hinders you and release the burdens upon your soul so you may be free, and light spirited to “run with perseverance the race and keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.” Set time aside to speak openly to the Lord and be prepared to silently sit and listen to His response. These next forty days you have been gifted the opportunity of reflection, repentance, renewal, and reinforcement of His deep undying love. It is time to begin spring cleaning! Time to shake off the dust of the past and wash ourselves in the living waters of Jesus Christ. Are you not tired of carrying the burdens of this life alone? Are you ready to hand them over to the one who can help ease your exhaustion? Come Home Dear Child! Come Home!
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