By Pastor Bridget Sheely
Racine/Sumner Center UMC,
Stewartville UMC Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Genesis 1:1,31 (New International Version)
“1 In the beginning God created… 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good.”
Is that not just an amazingly inspirational statement! It is the scripture that comes to my mind every spring as our wonderful world wakes back up from the winter slumber, when God’s creations show the splendor of their beaty and you can’t help but look around and say, “Yes, this is good.” New beginnings, fresh starts, and renewed possibilities paint their way throughout the scriptures. The most monumental of biblical change is the shift from the Old testaments order of Law to the New Testaments enlightenment of love. What a gift God has blessed each one of us with, the hope of life anew based on the foundation of love. Jesus the Christ came to walk among ALL His children to teach the new way to live as whole communities by sharing this thing called love. He gave us a new commandment, one in which every person from young to old could understand – Love God & Love each other. And to quote the one who created all, “It was good.” So, why can’t we seem to get this simple message right?
Friends, I think it is time for a monumental change. A new vision in this world He created, and it begins with each one of us. Each person has the power to change our current narrative in this world. If we choose to commit ourselves to a few simple daily adjustments. First, we must begin to show God that we DO love Him. God holds an open invitation for everyone of His children to come to His house and worship Him. This is one of the most important acts of expressing your love to God. Your presence in His house is important! We graciously invite Christ into our lives, our routines our schedules but we forget it is a 2-way street. Taking the time to visit Him in His home is not only expressing your love for Him but you will find it is a true blessing for your soul as well. Show God how much you love Him, find a local faith community, and give it a try one Sunday. Create a new habit, try a new perspective of seeing the possibilities this life has to offer you.
I don’t know about you, but I am exhausted! I am exhausted by the continued promotion of negative news. There is uplifting, inspirational, dare I say loving stories happening around us every day as well, so let us also commit to loving each other by searching for and making it a point to counterbalance the negative with the positive this life offers. Let’s make a conscious decision each day to follow that one simply commandment, Love God, love each other – at work, home, with family, in community. We are the world, and the world needs love! Are you ready to join in sharing those acts of love? Let us make this world “good.”
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