Racine/Sumner Center UMC,
Stewartville UMC Children’s Ministry Coordinator
By Pastor Bridget Sheely
Racine/Sumner Center UMC,
Stewartville UMC Children’s Ministry Coordinator
Apart from my ministry, my family is also involved in the farming industry. We are grain farmers and dabble with a few cattle, some goats, chickens along with a German Shepherd, Black Lab and the supreme ruler of the farm which is a miniature Dachshund named Louis Ebenezer “the rock” Sheely, aka King Louie. Now, King Louie happens to be the smallest critter on the farm but the largest in attitude. He struts around and keeps everyone in check. The other day Louie and I were walking across the farmyard and low and behold the goats had mastered the task of finding a way out of their pen again. Suddenly Louie stops in his tracks his ears perk up and like a leaf being blown by a strong wind he was off and running straight for the goats. Those little 3-inch legs of his were like springs bouncing him forward and his ears where waving in the air as he made his way around the herd of huddled goats, and with the confidence of a lion lunging toward prey, he got behind them and wrangled them all back into their pen where they belonged.
When he was finished, he strutted off with his chest puffed out and his head held high. If I could have read his thoughts, I’m sure he was giving himself accolades that went something like: “Yeah, I’m awesome! There ain’t nothin gonna hold me back!” As I laughed to myself over the whole situation, I got to thinking. Ya know for a little guy, he sure is filled with a faithful and powerful inner confidence. Then I started to become a little envious of the little guy.
There have been many times in my life when I wished I had the courage to be bold but have instead convinced myself that I am to small, timid, and powerless. Have those thoughts ever crossed your mind?
Friends, life is full of hurdles and at some point, we all come across hard times, wondering how we can stand firm and find the strength to rebuild our confidence and self-worth. The good news is that as children of God, we have the greatest and most dependable confidant on our side. When we look to the scriptures, we have an abundance of inspiration and a guide to bring us into who we truly are. The Apostle Paul wrote to the people of Philippi “13 I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” (Philippians 4:13 New International Version) and in the book of Hebrews it is written “35 So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded.” (Hebrews 10:35 New International Version)
You are a beloved child of God. Embrace His strength and share your confidence with others for it is not only you who then receives His rewards, but your engagement is a priceless gift for others as well. Folks, God is calling on you and His command is clear. It’s time to pull up them there boots ‘cause we have some goat wrangling to do! His herd is lost, and He is counting on you to bring them back to the security of His pastureland.
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