City Code Chapter 155, Section 21 (Zoning Map) is hereby amended by rezoning the following tract of land at 304 Fillmore ST E as B-1 Recreation/Business.
Parcel 17.0575.000 legally described as: BAR KAERCHERS SECOND ADDITION LOT-005 BLOCK-006 COM AT SW COR LOT 5 BLK 6 BK’S ADD E 290.09’ S66’ TO PT OF BEG W 169.91’ TO NW COR LOT 8 BLK 4 S119.89’ E60’ S12’ W60’ S55’ SWLY 71.43’ E90’ S33’ E 185’ NELY 304.73’ W 183.5’ TO PT OF BEG CONTAINS 83,482 SQ FT 1.92A in the City of Preston, Fillmore County, Minnesota.
ADOPTED this 21st day of October, 2024, by the City Council of the City of Preston.
By: Kurt Reicks, Mayor
Attest: Ryan Throckmorton,
City Administrator
Publish 28
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