By Kathie Haynes
Canton, MN
I just read Stan Gudmundson’s latest screed. He must be living in another world.
For some reason he believes that the goal and purpose of the Democrats was to create contempt and loathing for Trump. He accuses the Democrats of doing “everything in their power to create hatred for him.” Well, they did not need to have that goal, because Trump did that all by himself.
Many of his statements have been lies and many of his comments are racist in nature. He is generally opposed to gun control and favors capital punishment. Trump approved the first federal executions in 17 years—13 prisoners were executed. The alt-right enthusiastically supports Trump.
When Trump took office it was the height of the longest economic expansion in American history beginning in June 2009 (under President Obama) until 2020.
He promised to eliminate the national debt in eight years. Because of approved large increases in spending the National Debt has increased by 39%.
The Trump Administration set out to undo nearly every Obama accomplishment. He rolled back more than 100 federal environmental regulations. His administration fired all the scientists on the Board of Scientific Counselors. He withdrew from a number of international agreements. And remember when the COVID 19 was “going to disappear — it will be a miracle. It is going to go away without a vaccination.”
Apparently Stan has forgotten that presidents are rated on a number of things, “Public Persuasion, Crisis Leadership, Economic Management, Moral Authority, International Relations and Administrative Skills, Relations with Congress, Vision, (setting an agenda) and Pursued Equal Justice for all.
Donald scored highest in Public Persuasion and Economic Management given the large tax cuts passed early in his term.
As historians now rate Donald Trump’s Presidency, he is near the bottom. (#41 out of 44) He ranked last place for both Moral Authority and Administrative Skills.
And perhaps Col. Gudmundson hasn’t seen the latest polls regarding Joe Biden’s presidency. President Biden’s approval rating is over 60%.
The only way that “hate” rules the day is when people attack the Capitol because Donald spreads the lie that the election was stolen from him.
Joel says
Pretty much a Libertarian but there are a few things that I will never vote for. Just gonna list a few so as not to take up much of your time. I believe people have a right to believe the way they want on these issues. In a republic the majority wins, and I will make do. Does not make me racist. I will never vote for tax payer funded abortion. I will never vote in favor of people with a Y chromosome playing on a female athletic team or casually walking into a young girls bathroom because he identifies with her. I will never vote in favor of sending our friends in Pakistan 3 million dollars for gender studies while I am checking respirations on a homeless person on my way to work. I will never vote in favor of leaving our border open to allow Mexican Gang Bangers to smuggle people into our country who will pretty much be owned by them for the rest of their life. I will never vote in favor of defunding the police, especially while they continue to get killed (even though you probably don’t know that because CNN or the like does not cover that). I will never vote in favor of increasing gun laws because if they enforced the ones we had there would be fewer problems. Most people don’t realize that guns are illegal in Chicago and Washington DC because news organizations use those 2 areas as reasons why we need gun control. If democrats feel the way I do on these issues I will vote for them. If Republicans feel the way I do on these issues I will vote for them. We have a right to that in this country, and I still respect the people who disagree with me. Not only were we made in God’s likeness, He prefers us to be different from each other, (evidence the Tower of Babel Story). I did not care for Trump, Obama, or Biden. We are governed by people who feel differently about human value than I do. Obviously historians are incorrect. Even though I did not like him, more people voted for Trump than any other president in history even though he lost. These are good people. Friends of mine that I would trust my life with. I really don’t want to tell anyone what to do, but maybe being more empathetic to your neighbor wouldn’t hurt, they have legitimate feelings too. The news doesn’t want you to know something that I learned when I was a little kid. Truth is always between what one person or group believes, and another. Sometimes its closer to one side or the other, but in between. I believe that our government is corrupt with out term limits. Tell me who is buying Hunter Biden’s paintings if you can. People in charge (including the news) want us to dislike each other. I am going to refuse that and I am counting on you and others to join me.