Fillmore County Journal
Fillmore County Journal
Every once in a while, I hear someone around my age or older say, “I’m worried about these young people and their work ethic these days.”
They are talking about the next generation of teenagers.
The problem is that all of these “young people” seem to be lumped into the same category. People think they are lazy, which is not necessarily true.
I know of a ton teenagers who entered the workforce as soon as they could legally start working (age 14). They are washing dishes, bussing tables, waiting on tables, working on farms, mowing lawns, and a whole bunch of other jobs that need to be done. Quite often, they are doing the jobs that nobody else wants to do. And, this is a good thing. They need to learn the ropes.
These kids are so lucky, because they are learning how to interact with people on the job – both coworkers and customers. They are learning how to work together as a team to accomplish something. And, they are rewarded with compensation, so they can learn the value of a dollar. Along the way, they are building skills to become self-sustaining some day.
Of course, we need their help. If you talk to any employer in our region, they will take all of the help they can get. We need more young people entering the workforce as soon as they are able.
Unfortunately, we do have some very capable young people not in the workforce. They are playing video games or just hanging out and bumming money off of their parents.
I have many thoughts on this perception we older folks need to think about.
First off, if any of us think that young people are lazy, then we need to blame ourselves. Our generation is responsible for raising them to become who they are today.
But more importantly, we need to focus on the positive. What about all of the young people who are working?
Instead of lumping all of these young people into the “lazy” category, let’s consider a different approach. Let’s praise all of the young people who are working. When you are at a restaurant, recognize these young people for stepping up as they are clearing a table of dirty dishes. If they are waiting tables, tip them well. Your praise will make their day a little brighter.
Young people in the workforce should give us a sign of hope for the future.
Every time we encounter a young person on the job, that presents an opportunity to encourage our next generation to keep the economy going.
We have an opportunity to make somebody’s day every day. Today could be that day.
Fran Fairbairn Sauer says
I agree with your opinion re: our local youth. Many of them have a summer job and many have multiple jobs! When I hear adults complaining about young people being lazy, I beg to differ with their opinion. We have young people who are working for the City…painting curbs and doing other maintenance work. There are several young people working at our local swimming pool and working in the food service industries, Some are providing babysitting services, mowing yards, working in local stores/restaurants and providing cleaning services for individuals or businesses. And as residents in a rural community, we cannot forget the number of young people who are working to provide agricultural services to our local farmers and agricultural businesses. I am proud of the working youth in our local communities and their work ethics. They bring more to our community than they realize. Therefore, they deserve our respect and support! Thumbs up to our working youth!!! Thanks for bringing up the topic, Jason!