This coming week can be a game changer for some area businesses, but also for our communities.
And, our local residents hold the key.
You’ve probably heard that when locals spend money with a locally-owned business, they keep the majority of those dollars local and that money circulates throughout the community multiple times. I’ve heard numbers such as 67 cents of every dollar spent with a local family-owned business stays in that community.
Let’s take this a step further.
For example, let’s say you live in Fillmore or Houston County and work in Rochester, Winona, Decorah, or La Crosse. Your kids attend school at one of the local school districts: Chatfield, Fillmore Central, Houston, Kingsland, Lanesboro, Mabel-Canton, or Rushford-Peterson.
Your kids participate in sports, theatre, band, or FFA. I feel all of our children in our local schools are blessed with so many opportunities. Another benefit of living in our small rural communities.
And, as with many programs, funding can be a challenge.
So, one of these programs coordinates a fundraiser. The local businesses are always approached for their support. And, so many businesses generously donate as much as they can afford.
I recall, recently, a day in which we received four donation requests in one single day.
And, we always support as much as we can. All of the business owners in this area do as much as they can. They support churches, schools, booster clubs, art programs, class trips, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, and so much more.
So, when you shop local, whether for Small Business Saturday, or any day of the year, you are indirectly supporting all of these other local organizations.
When you spend money in Rochester, Decorah, Winona, or La Crosse, how much of that money comes back to these local organizations?
Think about it.
And, if that doesn’t convince you to shop local, here’s my last pitch.
As I have shopped around at each of these local businesses, I have encountered so many opportunities to purchase something you can’t find in any big box store or even on the Internet. You can literally purchase customized gifts and experiences in this area that you can’t find anywhere else. So, if you want to give somebody something unique, look no further than small town America.
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