While I believe there are some positive initiatives that have been launched from platforms like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and the like, we cannot deny the negatives.
A young man around 26 years old recently got into an argument with someone on Twitter. The person on the other end responded by tracking this young man down and shooting him in front of his family. The story ended with one young man’s funeral and another young man charged with murder. All because of a war of words on Twitter.
A sad story. And true.
And, I know the father who lost his son. He lives in Fillmore County.
From my observation, social media has evolved in a way that can be comparable to road rage.
Nowadays, when someone cuts you off while behind the wheel, you probably don’t want to present any hand gestures. You never know what kind of response that might provoke.
On social media, I see people tearing each other apart in so many ways. It’s disheartening.
And, I don’t believe anybody ever convinced those with opposing views to think otherwise on social media; namely Facebook.
People just fight back and forth, and frankly it’s unhealthy. It’s a lose-lose situation.
Listen to your grandma: “If you don’t have something nice to say, then don’t say anything at all.”
Social media can be tremendously unhealthy because of how we treat each other.
I’m pretty sure that most people would never antagonize each other in-person like they do on social media. Or, at least I hope so.
Set two people with opposing views in a room, and they will most likely find common ground; or at least decency.
Social media divides, creating echo-chambers along the way.
I think we can do better. Or, at least I hope so.
Ken says
Perhaps the news media should listen to grandma as well, because that’s where most of this crap gets started.