By Jason Sethre
Fillmore County Journal
As the world has changed over the past couple years, we have all learned to adapt to whatever challenges we have faced. And we’ve had to adapt to a lot of challenges. Too many to recall.
Our kids have definitely seen a different world than what we saw as children.
And, over these past couple of years, our teachers have played a significant role in managing this change. It’s been a cooperative effort.
If we have learned anything over the past couple years, it is that our teachers not only play an important role in our children’s education – but also their social skills. How do they interact with others? That’s just as significant as learning math, English, reading, and science.
As we feel like we are coming out of the pandemic, it’s a good time to stop and take a moment to recognize our teachers.
Each year for the past five years, the Fillmore County Journal has coordinated a moment of special recognition for area teachers on Teacher Appreciation Day – which is Tuesday, May 3, 2022.
In a special section in the first week of May, we publish the names of all teachers in each school district, their years of service as a teacher, and what subjects or grades they are currently instructing.
And, thankfully, we have some locally-owned businesses that have continuously made a commitment to this important point of recognition. Each year, Drury’s Furniture provides a brand new La-Z-Boy recliner to the Teacher of the Year. Additionally, Ody’s Country Meats & Catering provides a Green Mountain Grill. And, Rushford Foods, Preston Foods, and Harmony Foods provides a $500 gift certificate. Collectively, these local businesses contribute over $2,600 in gifts to the Teacher of the Year. All of these local business owners help to make this award even more special.
If you’d like to nominate a teacher for this recognition, please see the back page of the Sports/Classifieds section of today’s Fillmore County Journal. The deadline for nominations is Tuesday, April 12, 2022.
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