This week is Fire Prevention Week, which also most likely means that fire departments throughout the region will be conducting their annual fall fundraiser.
For many departments, this may be their only fundraiser for all of 2020.
Many departments will coordinate a chicken dinner, a dance, or a gun raffle. But, with COVID-19 halting many activities involving large gatherings, these fundraising efforts have hit a brick wall.
The challenge these departments will face in the near future is the cost of maintaining equipment or purchasing new equipment with much less money in the bank.
This pandemic has been tough on a lot of people, businesses, and volunteer organizations in many different ways.
If you happen to have some funds to spare, I’m guessing your local fire department would greatly appreciate your support.
And, if you are not sure where to send a donation, if you get it to your local city hall they will make sure your local fire department receives those funds.
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