By Jason Sethre
Fillmore County Journal
Starting in June of 2021, our newspaper published a ballot each week in which readers could vote for their favorite businesses in our region in various categories.
We’ve been coordinating the Reader’s Choice Awards since 2013.
This annual tradition encourages readers to show their support for the local businesses within our region.
When we run this annual contest, I always appreciate reading the flood of entries as they arrive by mail or dropped off at our office in Preston, Minn.
And, I appreciate the fact that we have readers who care enough to cheer on their favorite local establishments. They are taking the time to fill out the ballot and get to our office.
That’s pretty special if you think about it.
Our participating readers think so highly of their favorite establishments that they want for them to be recognized for what they do best.
I should also mention that this year’s Reader’s Choice Awards are even more significant, because of expanded distribution.
We had votes come in from LeRoy and Grand Meadow, all over Fillmore and Houston Counties, and Decorah, Iowa. This also demonstrates how connected we are in our region.
Overall, I want to thank our readers for their participation in the 2021 Reader’s Choice Awards. And, congratulations to the businesses that gave these readers a reason to vote for them as Best of the Best in their category!
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