By Ron Scheevel
Preston, MN
With this being an election year for some of our Representatives and Senators, I would like to comment on some issues that are in my mind, important to the survival of this Republic.
First, the National debt, whose number now is in excess of $20 trillion and growing. There is still not much desire in Washingotn to curb spending. I do not think there is much more room to increase taxes on any class — poor, middle or wealthy people. Some “experts” say that if we “grow” our economy fast enough we can eventually “grow” our way out of debt. I personally do not believe that idea.
When I go through our monthly bills I am amazed at the various ways we have been taxed. I will list a few and you compare with me. Fuel tax, State and Federal tax on electricity, State and Federal income tax, property tax, sales taxes on goods, all levels of government assess there. Lodging tax, alcohol and tobacco taxes, the list goes on and on. If anyone out there can think of another way to tax, please keep it to yourself so our politicians don’t find out!
In closing this part of the narrative, I must say that our schools, local, county, and state governments do a good job of balancing their budgets. If only we could get Washington to do the same.
On another subject I would like to comment on — patriotism and what it means to this “Old Soldier.” By the time this article is in print, the 4th of July will be past. I hope that you enjoyed the celebrations and parades and outdoor events, fireworks and such. I also hope you remembered to understand the importance of July 4. The Declaration of Independence was the beginning of this great country. We must, as citizens, continue to be vigilant of all forces that try to take away our freedoms. As you stood and watched the Color Guard, mostly, but not all, grey-haired “Old Soldiers,” slightly out of step, lead the parades, I hope you said a small prayer for all veterans and our current young men and women who protect us now.
I have one other issue that bothers me more than just a little. A few weeks ago the NFL (National Football League) came out with a new policy regarding teams and players standing during the National Anthem. In short, all players on the field must stand during the Anthem, but players may opt to stay in the locker room until the Anthem is over.
If I were a coach or team owner, my policy would be that they could continue to stay in the locker room for the entire game. Furthermore, they could donate a good part of their game day salary to charity — Wounded Warriors as an example. This new policy came up a little short in my opinion. It is still a slap in the face to our veterans who have given so much.
Thank you for listening to my rants.
God bless our veterans and God bless the USA.
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