Chatfield Public Schools School Board ISD #227
Regular Board Meeting
Date | time 7/8/2020 7:00 PM | Meeting called to order by Board Chair Amy Jeffers
In Attendance
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the regular meeting of the School Board of Independent School District No. 227, Olmsted, Fillmore and Winona Counties was held on Wednesday July 8, 2020 via videoconference due to current social distancing and “Stay At Home” guidelines. Superintendent Ed Harris is present in his office and initiated the meeting.
Roll call was taken with these members present: Jeffers, Isensee, Backer, Priebe, McMahon & Lowrey. Superintendent Harris, Business Manager O’Connor, Administrative Assistant Lowrey, and District Patrons Claire Bartels, Joel Viss, Jennifer Allen, Sarah Volker and Lynda Karver were also in attendance. All present said the Pledge of Allegiance.
Approval of Agenda
Backer/Priebe motion to approve the agenda with these additions:
8. Consent Items
g. Approve 06/23/2020 Special Meeting Minutes
h. Approve Dan Narveson/9th Grade Volleyball Coach
i. Designate Official Newspaper: Chatfield News
Motion carried 6-0
Isensee/Lowrey motion to approve the agenda with these removals:
11. Action Items
c. Approve Hanover Insurance Group (property & liability insurance)
Motion carried 6-0
Approval of Claims & Accounts
Priebe/Lowrey motion to approve Claims and Accounts. Motion carried 6-0
District Patron Time
Claire Bartels, Joel Viss, Jennifer Allen, Sarah Volker & Lynda Karver
Lanny Isensee – Activities Committee
Lowrey/Jeffers – Community Education Committee
Shane McBroom – Elementary Principal
Randy Paulson – High School Principal
Ed Harris – Superintendent
Approval of Consent Items
Isensee/McMahon motion to approve the Consent Items:
a. Approve 06/03/2020 Meeting Minutes
b. Approve HVED Agreement to Purchase Education Services for SY 2020-2021
c. Approve Employee Activity Passes for SY 2020-2021
d. Approve moving the rest of our 2020 monthly meetings from the first Wednesday of each month to the second Wednesday of each month starting in August 2020 with the following exception:
i. Wed Nov 11 is Veterans Day – set meeting date for Tue Nov 10
e. Approve the following resignations:
i. Kiya Virgin/SADD Co-Advisor
ii. Rianna Cooper/7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach
iii. Rachel Schieffelbein/One Act Play
f. Approve the following job postings:
i. SADD Co-Advisor
ii. Jr High Girls Basketball Coaches
iii. One Act Play Advisor
g. Approve 06/23/2020 Special Meeting Minutes
h. Approve Dan Narveson/9th Grade Volleyball Coach
i. Designate Official Newspaper: Chatfield News
Motion carried 6-0
Annual Reading of District Policies
McMahon/Lowrey motion to approve the following policies:
a. 410 Family and Medical Leave Policy
b. 414 Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse
c. 415 Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
d. 524 Internet Acceptable Use & Safety Policy
e. 616 School District System Accountability
f. 806 Crisis Management Policy
Motion carried 6-0
1st Reading of District Policies
Jeffers noted that the following district policies are before the board for their first reading. She asked the board to refer any questions they might have to Mr. Harris.
a. 623 Mandatory Summer School Instruction
b. 703 Annual Audit
c. 720 Vending Machines
d. 721 Uniform Grant Guidance
e. 802 Obsolete Equipment
Action Items
a. Board member Rick Lowrey introduced the following resolution:
The motion for adoption of the foregoing resolution was motioned for approval by board members Scott Backer and Rick Lowrey and upon vote being taken thereon, the following voted in favor thereof: Jeffers, Isensee, Backer, Priebe, McMahon and Lowrey.
The following members voted against: none
Whereupon said resolution was declared duly passed and adopted. Motion carried 6-0
A complete copy of the resolution is filed in the district office.
b. Isensee/Lowrey motion to approve the Long-Term Facilities Management Plan. McMahon/Backer amend the motion to table this approval until July 29 per Mr. Harris’ recommendation. Motion to table this item carried 6-0
Lowrey/Isensee motion to adjourn at 7:44pm. Chair Jeffers thanked the District Patrons for their attendance and comments. The support shown for Coach Bartels is a positive thing. She is confident our community will remain strong as we move forward. Motion carried 6-0
Respectfully submitted,
/s/Scott Backer
Scott Backer, Clerk
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