By Daniel Leisen
Rushford, MN
For background, I’m a disabled veteran diagnosed with service-related tinnitus, PTSD, and two years ago with an ongoing battle with service-connected terminal cancer. I cannot release myself from the shame I feel from hearing that 65% of veterans voting in the last election voted for Trump.
All recruits entering the service swore an oath. “I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same.” I believe we took these words seriously and with conviction. As veterans progress through training and the rigors of military life to include combat, they develop something else, brotherhood. We all felt it. This allegiance and belonging is hard to explain to non-veterans. It’s not unlike the allegiance of family members, but somehow unique to veterans.
The trust and dependence we develop as a unit is paramount to success. We became blinded to color, race, religion, and the sex of individuals. After leaving the service I carried these truths into civilian life and tried to instill them on my children, I believe with success. I see now, many other veterans haven’t. I’m 71 years old. My last thoughts before going to sleep are the people I served with; my first thoughts in the morning are the same. These are the people I swore that oath to many years ago.
And today, I feel ashamed that what so many have laid down their lives for was wasted and forgotten.
- Said veterans are “suckers and losers.” “I don’t get it, what’s in it for them.”
- Dodged the draft during the Vietnam War, five times. The final dodge was for bone spurs!
- Said the Medal of Freedom is much better than the Medal of Honor.
- Made disparaging remarks about Sen. John McCain being captured.
- Held a campaign photo op at Arlington National Cemetery while walking on graves.
- Refused to visit a WWI cemetery in France because of rain.
- Complained that being seen with disabled veterans “isn’t a good look for me.”
- Minimized veteran traumatic brain injuries as “headaches.”
- Said Hitler had some good ideas and generals.
- Verbally attacked many of his generals as being “a bunch of dopes and babies.” “I know more than they do.”
- Said General Millie should be executed.
- Said General Kelly (his chief of staff) is “dumb and a lowlife.”
- Suggested use of federal troops to shoot U.S. citizen protestors.
- Told a veteran’s grieving widow that “her husband must have known what he signed up for.”
- Insulted a Gold Star family by saying that, “I sacrificed a lot,” “by employing thousands and thousands of people.”
I am going to be buried at the Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis. If you happen to visit please don’t thank me for my service if you voted for Trump.
I’ve already turned over in my grave!
Kent Larson says
I voted for President Trump as well and worked my tail off for his re-election. What a relief that he is back in office in just a week now. That can’t come fast enough! These whiny complaints are common for the deluded leftists. The Biden/Harris administration was a dumpster fire. Anyone who can’t see why Trump was rewarded a landslide Electoral College win, won the popular vote, and won ALL 7 swing states with the current moral and economic crisis this nation is hurting from is completely lacking in logic and has fallen victim to the left’s incessant Marxist propaganda. The Democrat’s ravaging of this country the last four years will be a veritable challenge to fix, but come January 20, the American Eagle will fly high once again…
Bob Hurt says
Commenting on Dan Leisen’s letter to the editor titled Oath of a Veteran published on November 27 in the Winona Post.
Dan, I completely agree with you 100%, I am a Vietnam Veteran who spent one hectic year in 1967 and 1968 fighting for our country. I’m not sure how any Veteran who fought for our country could have voted for Donald Trump. Mr. Trump who purposely avoided the military service, is a coward and shows unbelievable disrespect for all veterans and current service members. Mr Trump is not fit to hold any office for this honorable country of ours. Dan, from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your service.
Bob Hurt
Dakota Minnesota.
Gerald J. Boyum says
Maybe Daniel Liesen should be ashamed of swallowing radical Leftist propaganda “hook, line and sinker; however, it is also an indicator of a corrupt mainstream media in many cases that is functioning as a propaganda ministry instead of doing their part in ensuring that we have a well-informed voting public which is necessary for the democratic process is to work. Bill Anderson’s comments are on target. It is interesting to note that I’ve yet to read about any accomplishments of the Biden/Harris administration other than attacking him and saying that we are not Trump! We are hiring a Chief Executive of the United States-not a class president!
From an article “Trump’s Administration Accomplishments As of January 2021:
1. Un precented Economic Boom. The article has examples and specifics about each major accomplishment.
2. Tax Relief for Middle Class.
3. Massive Regulation.
4.. Fair and Reciprocal Trade.
5. American Energy Trade.
6. Invested in America’s Workers and Families.
7. Life-Saving Response to China Virus.
8. Great Healthcare for Americans.
9. Remade Federal Judiciary.
10. Achieved Secure Border.
11. Restored America’s Leadership Abroad.
12. Colossal Rebuilding of Military.
13. Served and Protected Our Veterans.
14. Making Communities Safer.
15. Cherishing Life and Religious Liberty.
16, Safeguarded Environment.
17. Expanded Educational Opportunities.
18. Combatted Opioid Crisis.
In summary, Trump has been an American president who has stated and acted upon his statement that I’ve never heard from any other recent President: “I work for the American people.” He is the CEO of the United States and leader of the Western world. If our mainstream media, education system, and politicians were doing their jobs, no articles like the above one would be necessary and Dan Liesen should be able to rest in peace when that time comes. Our Founding Fathers have probably done enough “turning over in their graves.”
Gerald J. Boyum says
Welcome to the club of the millions of people who saw through to the propaganda and gaslighting committed by some of the politicians and mainstream media whose function in the democratic process is to aid in providing unbiased information to the voting citizens., Instead, we seem to have political activists masquerading as news reporters.
That along with the lack of any information about how we should evaluate candidates for Chief Executive Officer of the United States and other candidates for any Federal or State offices contributes to the problem. I don’t recall getting anything about this topic in high school or in college, for that matter, as part of the degree requirements. This should be no surprise because even though the Constitution is supposed to be the “Supreme Law of the Land”, it is allegedly not discussed in some law schools!
In Nov 1967, I took the Oath of Office as part of the commissioning ceremony, but probably like many others, I did not read the Constitution, especially the Preamble which lists the goals or objectives that are to be achieved in complying with the Constitution.
The philosophy of utilitarianism which means “the greatest good for the greatest number” was used as the primary foundation for writing the Constitution. The Preamble introduces the American Constitution and lists three central concepts:
1. The source of power to enact the Constitution (the people of the United States).
2. Broad ends to which the Constitution is ordained and established.
3. The authors’ intent.
It then lists the goals or objectives that are to be accomplished in complying with the legal requirements of the Constitution:
1. To form a more perfect union.
2. Establish justice.
3. Ensure domestic tranquility.
4. Provide for the common defense.
5, Promote general welfare.
6. Secure the blessings of liberty for us and our posterity.
These objectives should then be used when evaluating proposed bills, job descriptions/standards of all public offices at Federal and State levels, and State of the Union/State addresses.
Bill Anderson says
I voted for TRUMP!! I’m telling you NOW. We are proud to stand with him against the evil that has happened in our country. Open your eyes a bit before you pass on, and be proud to stand with those who also love our country.