Sealed bids will be received by 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, September 26, 2024, by the County Administrator of Fillmore County, Minnesota on behalf of the Fillmore County Board of Commissioners for the rental of 43 acres, more or less, with 100% farm program base acres as determined by the Farm Service Agency, located on the County Farmland in Section 32, Township 103N, Range 10W, with the exception of the access easement. This will be a two-year lease.
Bid specifications are available online at or at the Fillmore County Administrator’s Office, 101 Fillmore Street West, Preston, MN 55965, and (507) 765-4566. Fillmore County reserves the right to refuse any and all bids.
Bobbie Hillery
Fillmore County Administrator
Publish 16,23
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