That an application has been made by Josh Dahl, 23016 Bridge Creek Dr, Rushford, MN 55971, for a Conditional Use Permit to expand a feedlot over 300 animal units (a.u.) from 342 a.u. to 534 a.u., consisting of dairy cattle (Section 14 – 14.3, Subdivision 1, Subsection 3). The facility will consist of the following components:
1) Existing 100’ x 34’ total confinement barn
2) Existing 178’ x 75’ total confinement barn
3) Existing 80’ x 45’ total confinement barn
4) Existing 85’ x 45’ open lot
5) Existing 204’ x 60’ total confinement barn
6) Existing 324’ x 100’ x 8’ concrete liquid manure storage basin
7) Proposed 204’ x 44’ addition to total confinement barn
all in Yucatan Township on the following premises, to-wit:
PT NW1/4 NW1/4 & PT SW1/4 NW1/4; Section 20, Township 103, Range 7, Houston County, Minnesota. (Parcel #17.0248.001)
Said applicants standing and making application are as fee owner of said described lands.
A hearing on this application will be held at the Houston County Commissioner’s Room, City of Caledonia, Minnesota, 55921 at 6:10 p.m. on Thursday, October 26, 2023. All persons having an interest in the matter will be given the opportunity to submit comments relative to the granting or denying of said application. Comments should be mailed to the Environmental Services Dept., 304 South Marshall Street, Caledonia, MN 55921, or emailed to, and must be received by Wednesday, October 18, 2023.
Comments in regard to the petition received by this date will be part of the public record and will be made available for review by the Planning Commission prior to the meeting.
By Martin Herrick
Zoning Administrator
Publish 16
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