By Pastor David Stoeger
Preston and Wykoff UMC
Wykoff, Minn.
Looking back at growing up in the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) and having spent four years of my general education in the denomination – these folks are the people who first introduced me to the scriptures. I would describe the LCMS as theologically ridged and heavily doctrine focused. The Bible was to be taken literally and historically. It is a textbook.
Now a theologically-progressive Methodist preacher, I can say that still today I have a love for scripture – however, I see it in a quite different way. It is not a book that was dropped out of the sky from God – but contains many different writings and authors. You find poetry, prose, narrative, legalese, wisdom literature, letters… and even a book filled with erotic love poetry; written by different authors with different agendas in different places and times.
I find theological and philosophical truths in the first 11 chapters of Genesis – but I don’t see a science lesson. There are likely numerus voices in the Pentateuch that were brought together by a redactor. Also, several of the books attributed to the Apostle Paul – were likely not written by Paul.
The Bible also has some remarkably interesting commands and phrases that I hope we would not practice today. The biblical punishment for a stubborn and rebellious child is to stone him to death (Deut. 21). Have a feeling your spouse is cheating on you? You’ll find a real eye opener in Numbers 5. The needless afflicting of suffering on Job– or God’s command for Abraham offer Isaac as a burned offering – just to check their loyalty? Or God’s command for ethnic cleansing and genocide described in the book of Joshua?
Some “Christians” like to use the five (possibly six) references to homosexuality to justify their prejudice. The first mention is in Leviticus, alongside passages that say you should not wear clothing made of two different fabrics, growing two different crops in the same field is forbidden, and shellfish are an abomination. Interesting to note that the world “homosexual” did not come into our English translations until 1946. The Bible says remarkably little about the topic – even though homosexuality was common in the ancient world. Jesus himself is mute on the topic. Not to mention the Bible doesn’t begin to offer an understanding the concept of orientation. Prejudice is not a Christian value, no matter how much its disguised that way.
Proof-texting – pulling a random scripture without critical study or context is one of the primary ways scripture is abused – and it comes from reading the Bible like it is a textbook. If someone says that they believe and practice the Bible literally, they’re lying to you! We all pick and choose to a degree. Unless a person you know puts into practice the regulations listed in Leviticus 15. Then I’ll be convinced.
The Bible should not always be taken literally. So then, why have I devoted my life to study and preach it? First, it’s important to not throw the baby out with the bathwater. I no longer see it as a textbook, but a collection of writings that represent an interconnected anthology which ultimately has its climax in Jesus – who through his life, death and resurrection shows us the pathway to love God and neighbor. The word is agape in Greek. It is the unconditional love that God shares with humanity. And – if we are to be like Jesus, we are to reflect that love.
I believe what is most important – more important than creeds, doctrines or methods of interpretation is our love. Everything, including scripture, should be filtered through the law of love. Do you try to be like Jesus – offering yourself to the point where it hurts? Do you speak on behalf of the oppressed? Do you have a humble, servant heart? By living in love, you will find the greatest lesson the Bible has to offer.
We welcome ALL to join us at Preston and Wykoff United Methodist, or to listen to our radio ministry on KFIL 103.1 at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday mornings.
ds says
i did not understand what you were trying to ask.
Herbert Panko says
You are arguing from profound ignorance when you try to convince readers of your extensive religious knowledge. Allow me to enlighten you with a few details on Christian history: Paul never knew or met Jesus. Jesus did not consider himself divine or a god. Anything that resembles the type of Christianity that you likely adhere to did not emerge until 400 years after the death of Jesus and even then would likely have seemed strange to the average pew sitter. The truth is early “Christianity” borrowed freely from the paganism at the time. I refer you to my previous post and my list of the works by eminent scholars.
Jeffrey K Erding says
Rev. Stoeger, allow me to point out that many ofyour conclusions are devoid of logic and reason.
In order to agree with your “progressive” conclusions on homosexuality, one must conclude that the apostle Paul is guilty of catastrophic error. We must take that position despite knowing of a direct intervention and transformation in Paul’s life by Jesus , converting Paul from a deadly persecutor of Christians to the greatest of all epistle writers and Missionary to the Gentiles.
So despite this direct intervention, we are to believe our Lord would allow arguably his greatest teacher and perhaps the most fearless and effective missionary in history to teach error? And that you, a self proclaimed ” woke progressive” knows better than the Apostle Paul? Please forgive my reaction to the fact that your position shows an incredible lack of humility and self awareness. I know you are very proud of your educational accomplishments because you constantly flaunt them at every opportunity, but to think yourself superior to the knowledge of the greatest of all Christian Evangelists is absurd.
You speak frequently of love. Is that what you call enabling behavior that prohibits people from entering heaven?
You also condemn ” children in cages.” Do you not realize that fully 30% of children detained during illegal border crossings are not related to the accompanying adult? In many cases, such children are abandoned or sex trafficked? Intervention by Border Patrol is critical to rescuing these children from a terrible fate.
Your profession of concern for the lives of children also seems hypocritical given your apparent support for politicians who openly advocate for abortion and infanticide.
If I am wrong about any of your positions, please advise and I promise a public apology. Thank you.
Greg Rendahl says
Jeff, I’ll stick with Jesus’ teachings. You can hunt for other’s ideas and prejudices. I notice you oh-so-conveniently omit the fact that huge numbers of children were separated from their actual families and records were so shoddy that many will never see their parents again.
Jeffrey K Erding says
@ Gregg, Jesus called a heterosexual relationship between unmarried people sinful, but you believe he would condone homosexual relationships?
He said anyone who harms a child is condemned, but you say killing the unborn, and up to full term babies is ok with Jesus??
I guess you are old enough to look after your own soul. Good Luck.
Gatekeeper says
I found 25 scriptures on homosexuality so far what I have found its pretty clear.
Herbert Panko says
Mr. Stoeger, you are indeed a breath of fresh air. Your commentary is a step forward in bringing the church out of the superstition and tribalism of the Bronze Age. Biblical literalism, if left unchecked and allowed to persist unchallenged, will eventually spell the end of traditional Christianity. I strongly suggest Bart Ehrman’s “Misquoting Jesus.” The depth of Ehrman’s biblical scholarship is instructive.