The time is nearly ripe for the re-emergence of Fountain’s Nightmare on First Street: Field of Screams and Haunted Barn. For the seventh year, this spooky non-profit fundraiser is set to chill and thrill patrons.
Funds raised this year will benefit Good Earth Village, a non-profit leadership center, summer camp, and retreat facility nestled in the bluffs near Spring Valley, Minn., whose volunteers will be helping to run Nightmare. Help may also come from the Chatfield High School Service Club.
Each year Nightmare is different from the last. Routes are changed, walls are moved, and details abound. This year the Field of Screams has grown and a whole new building has been added. Hundreds of hours every year go into the metamorphosis of this scary delight. Attendees can expect creepy scenes, hand-carved pumpkins, a labyrinth, screams and moans, surprises and scares, live actors, and maybe even an apparition of DEATH.
Creating and hosting this six-night event are the Little family of Fountain, Paul Regan, Logan, and Demery. Numerous others help with the presentation of the event. Depending on how quickly you walk through, expect Nightmare to be an approximately 20-minute spooky entertainment experience.
The theme this year is Villains Throughout Time and Space. You may find villains from Hannibal Lecter or Saw to Judas or even Pennywise (“It”).
Nightmare’s gory glory runs October 20, 21, and 22, and October 27, 28, and 29; 7-10 p.m. each night. Special “lower scare” requests can be made for those who prefer their spookiness with less “pop.”
Nightmare on First Street: Field of Screams and Haunted Barn lurks around and behind 609 First Street in Fountain, Minn. Minimum donation requested is $5 per person. Find out more at and Facebook.
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