The Caledonia City Council met in regular session Monday, April 11, from 6-8:09 p.m. at city hall. Mayor DeWayne “Tank” Schroeder led the council and audience in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Council members in attendance included Robert “Bob” Klug, Amanda Ninneman, Mayor Schroeder, David Fitzpatrick, and Brad Rykhus.
Members approved the minutes from the March 28 regular city council meeting and three other items on the consent agenda – payment of $242,691.98 to Wapasha Construction Co., Inc. for work performed on well house number 8, Wapasha Construction Co. change order for a total of $3,476.32, and hired Jose Martinez as casual, part-time police officer.
Officer Storm Davis was sworn in as an officer of the Caledonia Police Department by Mayor Schroeder. Officer Davis’s dad, Warden Chad Davis, proudly pinned his son before family and friends. Caledonia Police Chief Zehnder mentioned, “It is not often that a father gets to pin his son’s badge on him in law enforcement.”
Kurt Zehnder, Caledonia police chief and 2nd assistant fire chief, asked for the council’s approval to buy a ladder/bucket truck from the Tallman Fire District, Tallman, N. Y. The board unanimously approved the $80,000 purchase.
Matt Mohs, P.E., City Engineer with Bolton & Menk, appeared before the council to present the proposed 2023 S. Marshall St. and E. Grove St. Reconstruction Project. The proposal includes a project overview, estimated costs based on the current market, a proposed timeline and a second timeline including assessments and task order number two. The estimated project cost is $1,551,800, with a projected start of next spring. The bulk of the discussion centered on paying for the project, including bonds, assessments, and ARPA funds. Mann believes “the city can fund the project whether it is assessed or not.” Mohs recommended the city create an assessment policy whether the council decides to assess property owners or not. The group also discussed the difference in the price of going with asphalt or concrete. The board unanimously approved the proposal from Bolton & Menk.
Other action items
Public Works and Zoning Director Casey Klug presented a quote from Gforce Wraps to print seven two-sided signs for the city’s parks for $1,848. In addition, director Klug noted an added $700 expense for posts and cement. The purchase was unanimously approved.
B&D Sealcoating will crack fill and sealcoat approximately 1,477 feet of asphalt on the city asphalt trail between North Park and W. Foltz Dr.
The quote from Fahrner Asphalt Sealers to crack fill and sealcoat 7,560 feet of city streets in 2022 was approved. The price per pound of the crack filler is $3.15, and approximately 2,610 pounds of crack filler are needed for a total cost of $8,218.35. The streets that will be repaired include 1,300’ on Courtney Drive, 700’ on Esch Drive, 1500’ on N. Warrior, 100’ on Gjere Ave., 1,100’ on Kruckow Ave., 1,000’ Old Highway Dr/W. Washington, 100’ (one block) on N. Decorah St., 150’ on E. South St. from 1 St. to 2 St., 110’ on Jefferson St., and 1,500’ on Bush St., Center St., Park St., 1 St., 2 St., and 3 St.
This summer, summer baseball, and softball umpires will see an increase in wages from $27/game to $30/game for 12U-14U and from $22/game to $25/game for 8U-11U games.
The city received seven applications for the city clerk/administrator position and will interview three candidates the week of April 18. As a result, Finance Officer Stephanie Mann was appointed the interim city clerk/administrator.
Pete Muenkel was hired to fill the water/wastewater operator position, effective April 13, 2022.
The next regularly scheduled Caledonia City Council meeting will be held on Monday, April 25 at 6 p.m. at the Caledonia City Hall, 231 E. Main Street, Caledonia. The meeting is open to the public.
The Local Board of Appeal and Equalization (LBAE) meeting is scheduled at the beginning of the next meeting.
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