The 31st annual Nelson reunion was held at the Historical Barn in Mabel on August 7, 2016. It was hosted by Mervin Nelson and family and special friend, Donna Donlan. Sixty-five family members were present.
A potluck meal at noon, wagon rides, and a lot of visiting were enjoyed by all.
Family members traveling the farthest came from Colorado, the Twin Cities, Mason City, Iowa; California, and Florida.
Four family members of 14 were in attendance, as shown in the bottom photo: Dorie Thrall, Mervin Nelson, Stella Shuda, and Ada Kjos. Three brothers were unable to attend: Arnold Nelson, age 99; Alfred Nelson (Cuffy), age 90; and Melford Nelson, age 86.
Next year Melford Nelson and family are in charge of the family reunion.
Shown in the top photos are the family wagon ride and a photo taken at a family reunion around 1952, where a young Mervin is second from left in the front row.
Photos submitted
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