By Katie Drewitz
National Ag Statistics Service (NASS) crop yield estimates for 2023 have been posted. Looking at this data is an opportunity to assess yield trends in the counties to better understand yield potential. In turn this assists in the long term financial management of our farms. Today’s article will focus on corn and soybeans, but NASS also has estimated yields for a variety of other crops across several years.
Estimated corn and soybean yields from 2023 decreased in both Fillmore and Houston counties. Corn yields in Fillmore County were estimated at 183 bushels per acre with soybean yield estimates at 49.3 bushels per acre. Both values are down from 2022. For Houston County, corn yields were estimated at 177 bushels per acre. Soybean yields were not reported for the 2023 growing season in Houston County. The statewide estimated corn yield was 185 bushels per acre and 48 bushels per acre for soybeans in 2023. Both of these statewide values are down from the 195 bushels per acre corn yield and 50 bushel per acre soybean yields estimated in 2022.
When looking at the yield data from the past 10 years, it is clear there is a lot of variation in yields from year to year for both crops. Arguably, the drought conditions during the 2023 growing season was most likely the most significant yield factor. However, the effects of best management practices cannot be excluded from this calculation. These practices include nutrient management, weed control, irrigation, improved drainage, tillage management, and proper hybrid selection among others that help get the most out of improved crop genetics. It is also important to remember that while higher yields usually mean greater returns, always keep yield expectations realistic.
All of the yield data can be found by searching online for “Minnesota Ag Statistics County Estimates” and looking for the link to the NASS website. If you have additional questions please reach out to your local Extension educator. Residents in Fillmore and Houston counties may call (507) 765-3896 or (507) 725-5807.
Katie Drewitz is the University of Minnesota Extension Agriculture, Production, Horticulture & Natural Resources educator for Fillmore and Houston Counties.
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